Commodore Oh often wears sunglasses. Star Trek lore establishes that Vulcans have an inner eyelid to protect against harsh sunlight on their desert planet. Oh's shades are a fashion statement, not a protective measure.
Cristobal Rios often smokes cigars. Star Trek lore establishes that tobacco smoking has been completely eradicated in the Federation. However, given Rios' fondness for holograms, it follows that this is a holographic cigar that gives the user all the pleasure and none of the side effects of a real one.
If Picard is 94 as mentioned in previous seasons then he would have been 70 when Jack was born.
Beverly would have been at least 65 as she wasn't much younger that Picard or her first husband.
Even if they go by Patrick Stewart's real age he would have been about 55 when Jack was born and Gates McFadden would have been about 50.