lun, 15 oct 2007
Dennis Kucinich demonstrates his long track record of voting against starting or funding wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Congressman Kucinich plans to call for an up or down vote on his resolution HR333 to impeach Vice President Cheney for High Crimes and misdemeanors including deceiving the American people, manipulating Intelligence and for violating his oath under the constitution. He spoke at the Latino National Congresso in Los Angeles. Esquire magazine has published a 10 page article titled "It's Kucinich Time".
lun, 22 oct 2007
Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich is a special guest on "The Colbert Report" hosted by Stephen Colbert. Steven asks Dennis about his pocket constitution and the Progressive role ha has played thus far in Washington DC politics. Dennis has cemented a long record of working on behalf of the people and not the party bosses and their wealthy donors.
lun, 29 oct 2007
Dennis Files New Hampshire for candidacy, promises a new Works Progress Administration and a new "Works Green Administration" in his Presidency. Personal bill-boarding campaign has begun: Voters are encouraged to wear a Kucinich for President t-shirt in public places as malls and shopping centers. The 8th Presidential Democratic debate scheduled to air on MSNBC minus Alaska Senator Mike Gravel.
lun, 5 nov 2007
Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich is about to stand before the House and offer articles of impeachment against a corrupt Vice President, Dick Cheney. He is pursuing real justice within the halls of government. (DFA) Democracy for America's "Pulse Poll" currently has Dennis way out in front of the other Democratic candidates. The poll ends soon and will determine where DFA will put its support in this historic Presidential race.
lun, 10 dic 2007
Kucinich Campaign Update: Sean Penn Speaks Out and Iran Comes Center Stage A Hollywood luminary speaks out for a new America. The debate over Iran moves front and center in the race for the White House. Nevada Caucus-goers hear a message of change for a nation in crisis. And commentator Davis Fleetwood takes the issue of electability head-on.
lun, 31 dic 2007
Our New Years, New Nation Episode. Anne Marie Howard presents the latest update on the exciting activities of the Dennis Kucinich for President campaign. Join her, along with comedian Rick Overton, video blogger Davis Fleetwood, Esai Morales, Bree Walker, Frances Fisher Nativo Lopez, Don White, Councilman Bill Rosendahl, Amy Vossbrink, Dutch Merrick and singer Michael Franti, of Spearhead, as we ring in the new year in New Hampshire, headed for the primaries. Dennis kicked off a 3 day whistle-stop tour, the "Peace Train" started its journey in San Francisco and rolled into Union Station in Los Angeles. Where ii was greeted by some of Los Angeles entertainment and political luminaries.
lun, 14 ene 2008
It's a wild ride for the Dennis Kucinich Presidential Campaign. This week, we'll find out about ABC (Disney) and NBC's (General Electric) combined efforts to quash the voice of Political dissent. Melissa Etheridge sits in for an in depth interview on the efforts to silence the progressive viewpoint in American Politics. Voter frustration is at a boil in reaction to Corporate media's attack on free speech with their concerted effort to exclude the choice of Congressman Kucinich from the 2008 presidential election. We'll share with you extensive footage from the campaign trail as we follow the Candidate from New Hampshire to communities all over Michigan. Comedian Rick Overton makes a special appearance to help us re-learn how to vote with paper ballots, using a voting booth used in the Broward county, Florida election of 2000.
lun, 21 ene 2008
Battling big media to be heard in the debates. Breaking the silence on Democracy Now. Fighting for ballot access in Texas with a little help from music legend Willie Nelson. All that and an interview with Academy Award-nominee James Cromwell in this week's Kucinich Campaign Update -- your first source for news and information about Dennis Kucinich's race to the White House. Kucinich's message of not-for-profit healthcare, an immediate end to the Iraq War, ending U.S. involvement in NAFTA and the WTO, fixing the disastrous U.S. economy and banning Torture in all of it's forms.
lun, 29 ene 2007
The Final installment of the Kucinich Presidential Campaign Update. Congressman Dennis Kucinich has been knee-capped by the DNC, its party bosses, corporate media and a political system gone off the rails. Forced out of 3 national debates in a row, despite meeting originally established criteria, it is clear that ABC/ Disney and NBC/ Universal had the fix in against this truly Progressive Champion. Our production team is extremely proud of the product we've created in support of justice and Democracy. 17 episodes filmed by mostly volunteers on a shoe-string budget, using borrowed equipment, in a living room.. Take that corporate media behemoths.