I was attracted to Al Mertens' exploration of mental health issues in Native Hearts that manifest from trauma, particularly in the form of dissociation. Dissociation can help people that have experienced trauma protect themselves from the memories and the devastating psychological impact of trauma. In Daniel's case in the film, his dissociation becomes his identity or identities.
Although Daniel's story is an extreme example of dissociation, the condition is common among people to varying degrees. I dissociated regularly as a child to detach from trauma. As a result, I developed a vivid imagination, which I tap into when I'm writing a play or prose. Becoming aware that I was dissociating was a major breakthrough
for me in healing from my own trauma.
We see the effects of trauma manifest differently in the other characters in the film. Some cope in healthy ways while some need professional support to live with their trauma. In the film, we see how the effects of trauma can land a person in jail, the hospital, or living on the streets. If you are someone you know may be experiencing mental health issues, please reach out to someone you trust for help. Please don't fight mental illness alone. Call the Mental Health Crisis Line at 988.