I believe every women should see this documentary. The other reviews have been poor, but they miss an important point: the content is accurate and very thought provoking. I have been researching sexual activity for years, and this documentary nails it on so many points. The premise and title are a bit pretentious and the dialog and questions are stiff, but get past that and listen to the content. The accurate portrayal of female sexuality is excellent, and this important understanding is missed by most of the world's population. The questions about evolutionary drivers and the repression of women's sexuality are very good background for every women (and man), and if you listen with an open mind you will learn a LOT. Take notes and follow up with your own research into each of the topics, to both confirm the accuracy and change your understanding of yourself and your partner. I wish they would have expanded on BDSM given its current cultural relevance, but again... use this great Documentary as a jumping off point to your own sexual revolution.