- Afro Toronto [Gilbert Seah]
- B&S About Movies [R.D. Francis]
- But Why Tho? A Geek Community [Nikko Soto]
- Canadian Crossing [Chad Rubel]
- Cinema Retro [Giacomo Selloni]
- Film Threat [Kyle Bain]
- Horror Buzz [Adrienne Reese]
- Horror Cult Films [Mocata]
- In the Seats [Mark Hanson]
- My Bloody Reviews [Sean Cockwell]
- National Post [Chris Knight]
- Nights and Weekends [Kristin Dreyer Kramer]
- Original Cin [Liam Lacey]
- Parent Previews [Keith Hawkes]
- Reel Reviews [Loron Hays]
- Richard Crouse [Richard Crouse]
- Rotund Reviews [Tyler]
- ScreenFish [Steve Norton]
- Search my Trash [Michael Haberfelner]
- The Gate [Andrew Parker]
- The Joy of Movies [John Corrado]
- Tilt Magazine [Christopher Cross]
- Ultra Mookie [Steve Kong]
- We Are Movie Geeks [Stephen Tronicek]
- When It Was Cool [Joseph Perry]
- Wylie Writes [Jolie Featherstone]
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