Shot entirely in the U.K. during March 2018, which was in the midst of the "Beast From the East" snowstorm. Director Marc Price (II) suggested the crew take full advantage of the elements, claiming that snow would add significantly to the production value
Chris Rogers kept the hat he wore as Sheriff Buford J. Noone
Without discussing it both writers Marc Price (II) and Phil Dyas decided Sheriff Noone's first name was to be "Buford" and his middle initial "J" as a nod to Jackie Gleason's character from Smokey and the Bandit. When Dyas quizzed Price about what the "J" stood for, Price replied "Jay"
Shot in 12 days whilst Director Marc Price was in post production on Nightshooters (2018) which wrapped 2 months earlier
Originally set entirely in the western town of Laredo, heavy flooding meant a hasty re-write. Whilst Writer/Director Marc Price (II) was editing Nightshooters (2018), Writer Phil Dyas handled the majority of this re-write and consulted with Price every day over the Christmas 2017 holidays