67 reviews
The most important thing one should know about this film is: "Nekrotonic" is a truly guilty pleasure for anyone who's into gunfirghts, gore and flat jokes. Now, let's elaborate this by numbers.
This is a second work of Kiah Roache-Turner ("Wyrmwood"), and most of his style also appears here. That means - lots of action, decent amount of blood and guts, comic-style characters, and cheesy dialogues. The good news is all of this works good in this kind of movie.
The basic concept (Nekromancers vs. Demons) looks like "Ghostbusters", but with an R-rating. There's also references to horror classics (such as "Hellraiser" and "Exorcist"), but not much. The acting is not the most attractive side of this film (Monica Bellucci is clearly overacting, but I'm sure that's the point here), so just foeget about it. Enjoy the little things. Like old-fashioned SFX (less CGI, more good prosthetics), pretty girls with guns, and good soundtrack. I mean - where else you can see slime-covered badass girl killing demon-possessed people with "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" by wonderful Andy Williams on the background?
Yes, zero character development. Yes, really bad jokes. But if you're looking for a bloody and fast-paced mix of a horror, action and comedy - you're on the right way.
- Krush_Burner
- Jul 24, 2019
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Really has a cult classic feeling like Shaun of the dead with all the science behind Ghostbusters. Has good comedy and gore, but enough plot and twists to keep you watching to the end.
- pbaker-91363
- Aug 14, 2019
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Saw this on Amazon Prime and my expectations were pretty low. I was really surprised by the acting, story,humour and effects, all of which were great especially considering the low budget. Couldn't help being be reminded of Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 1 episode 8 'I robot you Jane'. Well done Shudder Originals. Well worth a watch.
- Sergiodave
- Aug 3, 2021
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It's goofy cheesy but always entertaining .Its like Ghostbusters meets Hellraiser meets Iron Man ,not as good as those movies but pretty decent.The setting is neo futuristic which i love and the jokes hits 70 percent of the time all in all a fun movie .
- ginessekid
- Aug 12, 2019
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Well made sci-fi comedy with some decent fx and some horror elements.
But as mentioned somewhere before; there's too much going on. Movie can't decide which way to go. And on some points the movie wanders of and I started to check my phone.
It's nothing new, but nevertheless well made.
Howard North (Ben O'Toole) empties sewage tanks for a living, but finds a higher calling when he learns that he comes from a long line of necromancers dedicated to destroying demons. Together with fellow demon hunters Molly (Caroline Ford) and Torquel (Tess Haubrich), and with a little help from the ghost of his dead friend Rangi (Epine Bob Savea), Howard battles evil in the form of sexy soul-sucker Finnegan (Monica Belluci), who just so happens to be his mum.
I really enjoyed director Kiah Roache-Turner's debut feature, zombie flick Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead: it was fun, gory and inventive. His second movie, Nekrotronic, is wilder, packed with visual effects, and even boasts a major star in Bellucci, but it isn't anywhere near as good.
The script introduces so many different ideas that not nearly enough time can be given to adequately flesh them out, and the consistently breakneck pace makes it difficult for Roache-Turner to tell a coherent story. The result is a muddled mess of comic-book sci-fi and horror, one that isn't anywhere near as cool as it it is obviously intended to be: the action scenes are lacklustre and the gore is nowhere near as plentiful as I had hoped (with way too much CGI and not enough practical work).
4/10. I really wanted to like it more than this, but by the end of the film I'd had more than my fill of glowing lights and CGI blood, and had even grown tired of Bellucci (there's a first time for everything).
I really enjoyed director Kiah Roache-Turner's debut feature, zombie flick Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead: it was fun, gory and inventive. His second movie, Nekrotronic, is wilder, packed with visual effects, and even boasts a major star in Bellucci, but it isn't anywhere near as good.
The script introduces so many different ideas that not nearly enough time can be given to adequately flesh them out, and the consistently breakneck pace makes it difficult for Roache-Turner to tell a coherent story. The result is a muddled mess of comic-book sci-fi and horror, one that isn't anywhere near as cool as it it is obviously intended to be: the action scenes are lacklustre and the gore is nowhere near as plentiful as I had hoped (with way too much CGI and not enough practical work).
4/10. I really wanted to like it more than this, but by the end of the film I'd had more than my fill of glowing lights and CGI blood, and had even grown tired of Bellucci (there's a first time for everything).
- BA_Harrison
- Aug 15, 2019
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- annaisnuts
- Aug 28, 2019
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This is definitely an independent film.
Kind of a dumb story where demons and demon-hunters have fought for years. Except it's modern day, and of course, cellphones are involved. Though it's so secondary that I shouldn't even mention it.
For a B movie, it has nice sets and effects, structure and pace. But it's terribly generic and uninspired, and something not really worth recommending. Though you can watch it at around x1.77 speed without issues and not waste that much time (it's an hour and 36min long movie). The cast doesn't really stand out (specially the main protagonist, if you can even call him that, since he is kind of the most useless), but they deliver their lines properly, and even cry and emote like real actors. Just one of them is annoying in his performance. I quite like Monica Belucci's over the top acting in it, if I had to pick someone. Aside from it, there is nothing else to talk about. Not choreography-wise, score, costume design.. there are no memorable lines, nor a deep discussion about anything even remotely philosophical or moral. The lore is not particularly interesting, it felt rushed and without love.
If you are like me, and you start to pay attention to how it was made (because you are taken out of the movie), you start to notice that it is a very competent movie. Camera, angles, colors / lighting, content.. it's very well made!! Props to the director of photography.
I'd say, if you are a friend of anyone in the film, you might feel inclined to watching it. Otherwise, there's better stuff out there.
For a B movie, it has nice sets and effects, structure and pace. But it's terribly generic and uninspired, and something not really worth recommending. Though you can watch it at around x1.77 speed without issues and not waste that much time (it's an hour and 36min long movie). The cast doesn't really stand out (specially the main protagonist, if you can even call him that, since he is kind of the most useless), but they deliver their lines properly, and even cry and emote like real actors. Just one of them is annoying in his performance. I quite like Monica Belucci's over the top acting in it, if I had to pick someone. Aside from it, there is nothing else to talk about. Not choreography-wise, score, costume design.. there are no memorable lines, nor a deep discussion about anything even remotely philosophical or moral. The lore is not particularly interesting, it felt rushed and without love.
If you are like me, and you start to pay attention to how it was made (because you are taken out of the movie), you start to notice that it is a very competent movie. Camera, angles, colors / lighting, content.. it's very well made!! Props to the director of photography.
I'd say, if you are a friend of anyone in the film, you might feel inclined to watching it. Otherwise, there's better stuff out there.
- daisukereds
- Aug 14, 2019
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There are so many similarities to The Matrix that I can't help but wonder if that's what gave them their inspiration for this movie. It wasn't crap but, it wasn't as awesome as Wyrmwood.
- moorestahl
- Sep 23, 2019
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It started out looking real good, but went downhill at breakneck speed.
The "plot" is contrived and constantly contradicts itself, slow paced, plot-holes galore and simply boring.
The acting is abysmal - I thought Monica Bellucci would put in a solid performance but she is clearly just phoning it it for a paycheck on this one.
The effects are early 2000, I get it - it's a pretty low budget movie but if the effects are going to be that bad then don't even bother.
Overall, maybe give it a watch when it hits Netflix if you have exhausted all other options but it's definitely one to avoid - if you want a decent film in this kinda vein then try Deathgasm.
The "plot" is contrived and constantly contradicts itself, slow paced, plot-holes galore and simply boring.
The acting is abysmal - I thought Monica Bellucci would put in a solid performance but she is clearly just phoning it it for a paycheck on this one.
The effects are early 2000, I get it - it's a pretty low budget movie but if the effects are going to be that bad then don't even bother.
Overall, maybe give it a watch when it hits Netflix if you have exhausted all other options but it's definitely one to avoid - if you want a decent film in this kinda vein then try Deathgasm.
A lot of people apparently have nothing better to do than write reviews of film they mostly, if you actually take the time to understand their critiques, just didn't get.
Take Nekrotronic- almost every line, scene and take, is just that magic little bit over the top to let you know to watch it for fun, not to self-importantly have something to write pointless reviews about. And it is delicious fun!
No absurd, grandiose, self-gratifying crap that no amount of suspension of disbelief can make you tolerate it; no pretense to subtle moments and revelations that require mastery of acting (although it seems the actors did that one so skillfully most reviewers missed it- I explained it earlier).
Just get the popcorn, let the pretentiousness at the door and just have fun! It is more that the Avengers, Spider-Man and X-Men delivered this year put together.
The subject is newer of its kind. Souls bursted into network and capture human via mobile game that is a sign of combination of evil entity and technology. However story is not so sound to match such plot. Somewhere we feel repentance. Monica Bellucci has vampire role but charming style. Her son, Howard (Ben O'Tolle ) is her best rival who can defeat her and looking mostly to Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff. Watchable at once for its unique story plot. It was a good attempt to present something new in horror zone which has many foolish movies so far. Comedy dose makes comical flavour in ghost saga leading you to feel relax while demon over internet war. Demon hunters, nekropods, kick ass fighting will definitely enjoy you whole the movie. Recommended for watch once.
- saptesh786
- Sep 16, 2019
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I wasn't big on the trailer, but the animated intro is what got me hooked, so I sat down and watched for a bit. Nothing wrong with shutting my brain off for a bit with my dad. Fast forward to the end of the movie, and my father (a fan of The Twilight series and Passengers (2016)) said it before I could. It was bad.
The guns are too quiet, the protagonist has little to no personality, it's "comedy" but the jokes are "uncle is assaulting me again!", the screenwriting is weird and all over the place. I can excuse the CGI, not everyone has 30 studios under their sleeve that they can crunch out willy nilly, but JFC the screenwriting is ALL OVER the place. There's too much fluff in it, the things we see on screen are way too confusing and characters spend too much time silent. The directors weren't good either, because Tess Haubrich is a competent actress (see Fleabag) but she's not good here at all. DO NOT EVER assume actors and voice actors are "doing it for the paycheck", there are really bad directors out there that waste a good actor's potential.
If you're stuck in 2018, and saw this movie's name for the first time, skip it and go watch Ragnarok. It's an infinitely better "brain shut off" movie. And while you're there, watch Shaun of the Dead as well.
The guns are too quiet, the protagonist has little to no personality, it's "comedy" but the jokes are "uncle is assaulting me again!", the screenwriting is weird and all over the place. I can excuse the CGI, not everyone has 30 studios under their sleeve that they can crunch out willy nilly, but JFC the screenwriting is ALL OVER the place. There's too much fluff in it, the things we see on screen are way too confusing and characters spend too much time silent. The directors weren't good either, because Tess Haubrich is a competent actress (see Fleabag) but she's not good here at all. DO NOT EVER assume actors and voice actors are "doing it for the paycheck", there are really bad directors out there that waste a good actor's potential.
If you're stuck in 2018, and saw this movie's name for the first time, skip it and go watch Ragnarok. It's an infinitely better "brain shut off" movie. And while you're there, watch Shaun of the Dead as well.
- majcek-59553
- Sep 29, 2023
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I enjoyed Ben O'Toole's performance in Bloody Hell. So followed it up with this. Demon slayers slaying the hell out of demons that have invaded the internet. It's obviously a play on the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but a lot gorier. And obviously a lower budget, but the inventiveness on display here was fun to see. The film looks great, and has plenty of eye candy. Monica Bellucci camps it up as the demoness leader. Another Australian horror comedy that I had a blast with.
- xuenylomluap
- Jul 31, 2021
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Horror might be a bit too much, but it definitely touches Science Fiction Horror themes to say the least. Unfortunately the main bad guy (or gal) is quite weak in this, which undermines a lot of things. I'm not sure what it is but Monica Belucci (whom I love very much) seems very out of place and if I didn't already know her to be a great actress, I would wonder if she might want to go back to her day job after this.
Overall I would have liked to love this more and it has quite some fine moments (of fun and violence), but I just couldn't enjoy it as much as I'd love to. The bromance and team spirit is there though and some will have quite a lot of fun watching this
Overall I would have liked to love this more and it has quite some fine moments (of fun and violence), but I just couldn't enjoy it as much as I'd love to. The bromance and team spirit is there though and some will have quite a lot of fun watching this
I actually enjoyed this without having to pay too much attention to what was going on. The story line was a bit unoriginal (some may say "meh"), but there is plenty worse out there. If you struggling for something entertaining, this one is certainly worth a gander. I, for one, was definitely glad I gave it a chance, and fully expect the ratings on IMBD to climb higher as word of mouth makes this more popular.
- leslie_curtin
- Sep 20, 2019
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The most interesting bit of the film imho was the two minute animated intro, beautifully realized altogether.
It went 15 degrees downhill soon thereafter. It's possibly a flick more enjoyable with some buddies and a few drinks potentially where you can bash and laugh about it, but I had a hard time having a good time with it nonetheless. Shot-wise, it was not that bad and to be fair vfx varied from meh to ok, but on the flip coin side, this movie is just not that interesting altogether despite being well within a genre I find amusing (horrormedy).
It went 15 degrees downhill soon thereafter. It's possibly a flick more enjoyable with some buddies and a few drinks potentially where you can bash and laugh about it, but I had a hard time having a good time with it nonetheless. Shot-wise, it was not that bad and to be fair vfx varied from meh to ok, but on the flip coin side, this movie is just not that interesting altogether despite being well within a genre I find amusing (horrormedy).
- ok-patrick
- Aug 9, 2019
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If you've watched 'Wyrmwood', you know this director is all about fast-paced action, comedy and engaging stories. 'Nekrotronic' is a blend of sci-fi action and fantasy, spiced up with the always wonderful and mesmerizing Monica Bellucci, and great performances by a lesser known actors, all of whom bring to life a well-done movie that is full of color, fun and adventure. Make sure not to miss out on this gem!
- boris_unanimate
- Aug 18, 2020
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If you want to see monica bellucci glowing eyes with open mouth the whole movie go for it .Thats it... bad cgi of wave powers and bellucci screaming with glowing eyes.i looove comedy horror Tucker and Dale,Zombieland ,the final girl,cabin fever thats good comedy horror.This one its neither comedy nor horror and to think i wayted so long for this.
In this time and age with little time to spare, it is important to choose your movies and series wisely. I gave this movie a chance, and I am not disappointed, the effect are good, and the acting is fairly descent and has it's share of action. Very important is also if a movie is entertaining, and that it is, a good combination of enough action and 'silent' scenes. I would catagorize this movie as a whole family humor horror.
- the_real_smile
- Oct 11, 2019
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Movie is fun , COMEDY level good , action also good , acting better than good , action good...
No way you can get bore.....
- aayanraj-78217
- Dec 10, 2019
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For children too scary. For grown too stupid.
Don't waste your time for it.
There are so many beautiful and amazing movies in the world, but it's not one of it.
- lilkarotai
- Aug 25, 2019
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I enjoyed Nekrotronic! I like lower budget films that are truly original, very humorous, and deeply colorful. This film is all those things plus Monica Bellucci and David Wenham as the icing on the cake.
As an aside, why is anyone spending the lions share of casting to hire Christian Bale, Benicio del Toro, or Jason Statham when we have Wenham with all the gravelly smolder and twice the charm at half the price?
Let's get the rough stuff out first: Nekrotronic is a movie that is full of disjointed segments, disconnected vignettes, and plot points that clearly evolved during the making of the film. It is incredibly chaotic and if you're not paying attention during the second half of the film it's easy to get lost. There's no consistency in the world-building and the scene transitions are either lazy, jarring, or inconsistent. It's all forgivable though unless you are a stickler for pacing and/or flow.
That being said: the performances were stellar. Tess Haubrich and Caroline Ford were really cool and drove the plot as best as they could with great delivery of rough dialogue and lots of toughness and attitude that fit their roles. Ben O'Toole and Epine Bob Savea understood the assignment and had good comedic chemistry. The GC was pretty dang cool for a low budget film. The music was excellent. I had a really good time.
As an aside, why is anyone spending the lions share of casting to hire Christian Bale, Benicio del Toro, or Jason Statham when we have Wenham with all the gravelly smolder and twice the charm at half the price?
Let's get the rough stuff out first: Nekrotronic is a movie that is full of disjointed segments, disconnected vignettes, and plot points that clearly evolved during the making of the film. It is incredibly chaotic and if you're not paying attention during the second half of the film it's easy to get lost. There's no consistency in the world-building and the scene transitions are either lazy, jarring, or inconsistent. It's all forgivable though unless you are a stickler for pacing and/or flow.
That being said: the performances were stellar. Tess Haubrich and Caroline Ford were really cool and drove the plot as best as they could with great delivery of rough dialogue and lots of toughness and attitude that fit their roles. Ben O'Toole and Epine Bob Savea understood the assignment and had good comedic chemistry. The GC was pretty dang cool for a low budget film. The music was excellent. I had a really good time.
- eddiekristan
- Oct 21, 2021
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