- Eradicator: Surrender Luthor over to Superman and this ends.
- Cyborg Superman: That's enough. We may see it differently, but in the eyes of the law Lex Luthor is not a criminal. The rule of law is a rule you never break. And real justice is everyone's right. Even the worst among us.
- Lex Luthor: Now, who the hell are you?
- Cyborg Superman: I'm Superman.
- Eradicator: There is only one Superman.
- Green Lantern: [about Cyborg Superman] I don't really know him. Vic?
- Cyborg: Oh, so you think all cyborgs know each other?
- Green Lantern: Yes. But, in my defense, I'm horribly insensitive.
- Lex Luthor: What do you think you're doing?
- Eradicator: At this moment, I am answering a question posed by Lex Luthor.
- Lex Luthor: Okay. Well, here's another one: Why are the hell are you here?
- Eradicator: Lex Luthor is a known criminal. Criminals must be eradicated.
- Superboy: Sorry, pal. Crash my party, you get bounced.
- Eradicator: You have been classified a priority-one criminal accessory. Surrender or be eradicated.
- Superboy: Well, you've been classified a priority-one dirtbag, so, there!
- Superboy: [to Cyborg and Green Lantern] Lex is so wrong. You guys are funky fresh.
- Lex Luthor: [on ear-piece] Donovan's been letting watch those 90s sitcoms again, I see.
- Superboy: Lex?
- Lex Luthor: I'm in your other ear. Reminding you to stay alert. President Dale has her eye on you. Keep her safe. By the end of the week, with a little political maneuvering, she'll be publicly recognizing you as the one true Superman.
- Lois Lane: I'm sorry to bother you about the new Supermen. Forget I asked.
- Diana Prince: Just between us, I like the brutal one with the visor. But apparently, I have a type.
- Lex Luthor: Oh! It's you.
- Superman: Lex Luthor. As I live and breathe.
- Lex Luthor: Yeah, what's that about?
- Cyborg Superman: [after seeing that Superman's alive, a signal blares in him] No! Not now!
- Darkseid: So? My Doomsday weapon failed and the Kryptonian still lives?
- Cyborg Superman: GET OUT OF MY HEAD!
- Darkseid: Yes, I shall enjoy killing the Man of Steel all over again, this time with my bare hands!
- Cyborg Superman: No! Superman's mine to destroy!
- Darkseid: We disagree, open the gate! Prepare for my arrival!
- Martha Kent: I'm just glad he finally fessed up. It was such a big secret to keep from you.
- Lois Lane: I loved him too. I tried to tell him, but...
- Martha Kent: Oh, honey... He knew.
- Lois Lane: I just... I can't believe he's gone.
- Jonathan Kent: He might not be if you watch that damn Grant woman.
- Martha Kent: [sternly] Jonathan!
- Lois Lane: Clark's body disappears, and suddenly these new Supermen show up out of the blue. What if one of them really is Clark reborn?
- Martha Kent: Not possible. I would know.
- Lois Lane: Of course. I just mean... There are a lot of unanswered questions. When Superman first showed up in Metropolis, nobody knew what to make of him because nobody knew what to ask him. I know what to ask him. I know what to ask these guys.
- [last lines]
- Wonder Woman: Henshaw may be gone, but this was still the boldest move we've seen from Apokolips, yet.
- Batman: Darkseid won't stay down for long.
- Martian Manhunter: And we can't play defense forever.
- Superman: Then we agree. We're going to have to take this fight to his doorstep.
- [the door opens]
- Lex Luthor: Excellent.
- [Superman turns around and sees Luthor]
- Lex Luthor: Count me in. Team.
- [pause]
- Green Lantern: Okay, who left the front door open?
- Cyborg Superman: All you hear today is, "How do we live in a world without Superman?"
- [Scoffs]
- Cyborg Superman: Well, some of us already had to. Some of us watched as everything we had, everything we loved, was lost.
- Lois Lane: Oh, give it a rest!
- Cyborg Superman: Huh?
- Lois Lane: This isn't about your wife and you know it. It's about you. You let Darkseid turn you into this.
- Cyborg Superman: Superman turned me into this! Darkseid only rebuilt me and taught me how to wield my hatred as a weapon. Just like he did with...
- Superman: Doomsday.
- Cyborg Superman: That beast was only a mindless assassin. While I was set to a singular purpose. Destroy what remains of Superman. His good name. It was the best revenge I could hope for. Until now.
- Perry White: I want angles! Sullivan?
- Sullivan: Law enforcement angle. Crime stats. "Have the Supermen made us safer?"
- Perry White: I love it. Change "Law enforcement" to "Millennials" and "Crime stats" to "Re-tweets." Are the Supermen trending?
- Batman: Coming up on Rodeo.
- Cyborg Superman: I think they say "Ro-day-o".
- Batman: They're wrong. Lantern?
- Green Lantern: Yeah, I say "Ro-day-o".
- Batman: Report!
- Lex Luthor: Have you seen the newspapers?
- Superboy: Yeah, I've seen them all over the place.
- Lex Luthor: Have you read them?
- [Turns on the screen, headline reads "SUPERMAN RETURNS"]
- Superboy: Oh. Right on!
- [Luther flicks the scree to the next article "SUPERMAN OR SUPERSHAM?"]
- Superboy: This really reflects more on you.
- Lex Luthor: We are going to start again. It's a relaunch. Superman Two point O... point One.
- [pause]
- Lex Luthor: That's awful, but we'll let marketing sort it all out.
- The Flash: Any idea where here is?
- Green Lantern: I don't recognize any of these star formations. J'onn?
- Martian Manhunter: They are foreign to me as well.
- Batman: That's because they're not stars.
- Green Lantern: What are they?
- Batman: [Looks through goggles, sees a bunch of alien creatures] Hungry.
- The Flash: [Runs behind Wonder Woman] I'm just gonna hide behind the Amazon till Vic gets us home.
- Lex Luthor: So, do you really think Kal-El is alive?
- Lois Lane: I don't know. But, for the first time, I really feel like it's possible.
- Lex Luthor: For the first time, I hope he is.
- Lois Lane: Dr. Frankenstein. Or is it his monster? So easy to get mixed up.
- Cyborg Superman: Frankenstein wanted to play god. Do I look like I'm playing?