110 reviews
Was not expecting much from 'The Jurassic Games'. It just sounded terribly derivative to the point of being a blatant rip off, the cover/poster looked cheap and like something you'd find advertised for a SyFy or Asylum film, it had a low rating and the reviews were less than promising. So in all honesty was expecting something terrible.
Seeing 'The Jurassic Games' with an open mind and fairness intended, it turned out to be not near as terrible as expected. At the same time, didn't find it a particularly good film either. Just for the record, am somebody who hates being critical and is more often than not encouraging and aims to be balanced and tries to evaluate rather than completely gushing or bashing, so will always severely object to being called an armchair critic/expert that is thrown around a lot immaturely.
There are positives. There is colour and atmosphere in the setting and some slickness in some of the shots. The music is not over-bearing, variety-less or monotonous, even when not being exactly memorable.
A few of the dinosaurs are fun and have some personality that avoids going too far on the goofiness or scare factor. Some of the acting is better than average and there is the odd thrill.
However, the limited budget shows in particularly the not always very well organised editing and the ropy effects. The dinosaurs don't steal the show as much as they should and their contributions not particularly memorable or well used. The human characters are underwritten and have little development or endearing personality, despite the actors' best efforts.
Also found too much of the dialogue on the wrong side of dumb and cheesy, complete with some soapy moments, and that it didn't flow very well. The film is extremely derivative, interesting premise with far too over-familiar execution that has nothing new. The lack of imagination and suspense also hurts the film, too much evokes cringing and the thrills are sporadic. The direction felt like they were not in control of the material and not at ease with the genre.
Overall, not a disaster, not a thrill side. Instead on the lower side of somewhere in between. 4/10 Bethany Cox
Seeing 'The Jurassic Games' with an open mind and fairness intended, it turned out to be not near as terrible as expected. At the same time, didn't find it a particularly good film either. Just for the record, am somebody who hates being critical and is more often than not encouraging and aims to be balanced and tries to evaluate rather than completely gushing or bashing, so will always severely object to being called an armchair critic/expert that is thrown around a lot immaturely.
There are positives. There is colour and atmosphere in the setting and some slickness in some of the shots. The music is not over-bearing, variety-less or monotonous, even when not being exactly memorable.
A few of the dinosaurs are fun and have some personality that avoids going too far on the goofiness or scare factor. Some of the acting is better than average and there is the odd thrill.
However, the limited budget shows in particularly the not always very well organised editing and the ropy effects. The dinosaurs don't steal the show as much as they should and their contributions not particularly memorable or well used. The human characters are underwritten and have little development or endearing personality, despite the actors' best efforts.
Also found too much of the dialogue on the wrong side of dumb and cheesy, complete with some soapy moments, and that it didn't flow very well. The film is extremely derivative, interesting premise with far too over-familiar execution that has nothing new. The lack of imagination and suspense also hurts the film, too much evokes cringing and the thrills are sporadic. The direction felt like they were not in control of the material and not at ease with the genre.
Overall, not a disaster, not a thrill side. Instead on the lower side of somewhere in between. 4/10 Bethany Cox
- TheLittleSongbird
- Jun 29, 2018
- Permalink
This movie suffers from what all those low budget sci fi do, the atrocious special effects. This could have been a decent movie honest the story was original but in a movie where you need a tone of FX to replicate the dinosaurs etc it just fails, the effects are so bad that you just give up watching the movie.
It's not a bad movie, it's just far and away not as good as it might have been. You've got to blame the (sigh) writer/director for that although he did have a hand with the writing which is possibly why it's not as bad as it might have been.
First of all it's so derivative - the Jurassic Park series, of course, Running Man, Ender's Game, the Death Race series, and all the YA movies like Maze Runner and the Hunger Games. And loads more.
And, yes, it was made on a budget, hence the complain about the poor SFX although for a B movie they're not too bad. I was thinking they must have got a job lot of dinosaur graphics.
Anyway, taking all that into account, the story line isn't too bad as far as these things go - I can't believe one reviewer actually said it was original!! - go figure - and it's generally pacy enough to keep you watching, at least with one eye, although you know how it's going to end.
Maybe you've got to be in the right mood to watch something like this but it you are, give it a whirl.
First of all it's so derivative - the Jurassic Park series, of course, Running Man, Ender's Game, the Death Race series, and all the YA movies like Maze Runner and the Hunger Games. And loads more.
And, yes, it was made on a budget, hence the complain about the poor SFX although for a B movie they're not too bad. I was thinking they must have got a job lot of dinosaur graphics.
Anyway, taking all that into account, the story line isn't too bad as far as these things go - I can't believe one reviewer actually said it was original!! - go figure - and it's generally pacy enough to keep you watching, at least with one eye, although you know how it's going to end.
Maybe you've got to be in the right mood to watch something like this but it you are, give it a whirl.
Low budget, OK, not great special effects, nothing glaringly bad like most low budget rip off movies and not as bad as some reviewers have said, though they did lack a bit
This one had a pretty good plot, but suffered mostly from a low budget. It is a bit of a rip off of The Hunger Games with Jurassic Park thrown in. We get spoiled by the blockbusters and expect the same from every movie, this is not a blockbuster with a blockbuster budget.
Some of the acting was, while not terrible, a bit below par.
This is the type of movie you watch with a fun group of friends. Not a movie to be taken too seriously, as it doesn't take itself too seriously.
Not a movie I would recommend.
This one had a pretty good plot, but suffered mostly from a low budget. It is a bit of a rip off of The Hunger Games with Jurassic Park thrown in. We get spoiled by the blockbusters and expect the same from every movie, this is not a blockbuster with a blockbuster budget.
Some of the acting was, while not terrible, a bit below par.
This is the type of movie you watch with a fun group of friends. Not a movie to be taken too seriously, as it doesn't take itself too seriously.
Not a movie I would recommend.
Low-budget movie. The characters' stories were built in a sloppy manner. The acting, on the other hand was not so bad and as well as the story line. However, they skipped so many details of the story or trying to chase the story line so hard which leads to so many confused and unreasonable details along the movies.
- paul-catanach
- Aug 22, 2018
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- kristianjphiorns
- Feb 13, 2019
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Im being deadly serious, whoever rated this piece of trash anymore than a one must of been involved with the production in some way, It really is bad
- curtisratcliff
- Feb 1, 2019
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When I saw the movie only had a 3.7 I was curious about how bad it would be. But I have to say, it's NOT that bad at all! Alright, the effects aren't great and do look cheap but the story is great and I wasn't bored for a second. Really, just give it a try.
- atigelaar-75195
- Jan 17, 2019
- Permalink
I had the opportunity to watch this, but was not too sure after seeing that it had an IMDb ranking of only 3.8.
According to reviews, it was ok acting, an awful script and even worse SFX.
I'm glad I took the opportunity, as this was a fun film, with great acting and, whole some of the effects could have been better with a higher budget, there was nothing that caused me to stop believing in the story being shown to me. Some of the effects, particularly many of the dinosaurs, were really good.
The acting was definitely above par for a low budget film and the script worked well.
Let's face it, a low budget film needs a different rating system than a Hollywood movie which has millions of dollars thrown at it and the backing of a studio - something which many armchair experts tend to ignore.
Another plus, for me though maybe not for some, was the lack of sex scenes, which are generally added to film & TV shows now to make up for a lack of content and plot.
I have given this 8 stars, because it passed the cigarette test. I didn't have to stop watching to go outside to smoke while it was on, which is a good sign to me on how good a film really is.
If you're looking for a film that you can just watch and enjoy, then this is definitely one you should check out.
According to reviews, it was ok acting, an awful script and even worse SFX.
I'm glad I took the opportunity, as this was a fun film, with great acting and, whole some of the effects could have been better with a higher budget, there was nothing that caused me to stop believing in the story being shown to me. Some of the effects, particularly many of the dinosaurs, were really good.
The acting was definitely above par for a low budget film and the script worked well.
Let's face it, a low budget film needs a different rating system than a Hollywood movie which has millions of dollars thrown at it and the backing of a studio - something which many armchair experts tend to ignore.
Another plus, for me though maybe not for some, was the lack of sex scenes, which are generally added to film & TV shows now to make up for a lack of content and plot.
I have given this 8 stars, because it passed the cigarette test. I didn't have to stop watching to go outside to smoke while it was on, which is a good sign to me on how good a film really is.
If you're looking for a film that you can just watch and enjoy, then this is definitely one you should check out.
Take a mash-up of the basic concepts from THE CONDEMNED & STAY ALIVE, then add dinosaurs. That gives you the overall premise of THE JURASSIC GAMES.
This one is of a much lower budget, so the cast is not well-known and the graphics are only passable because of the VR setting.
The plot layout was entertaining and the acting quality is mediocre but not terrible.
Enjoyable so long as you are not expecting a blockbuster.
- cjones44-967-574799
- Aug 13, 2018
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Bad acting, bad script, bad lighting, bad effects, badly thought through...
Don't waste your time, should have been a YouTube Movie shot on an iPhone.
- eskimosound
- Mar 2, 2019
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I would have rated 0 if that was possible. Don't even waste your time. Terrible visual effects, story is terrible, acting is pretty shocking. Some funny moments but only because of how bad it is.
Another cheaply made film to get over on the dinosaur craze. Based on The Most Dangerous Game and the running man, convicts are hooked into a holographic matrix where they fight dinosaurs. If you die in the matrix, you die in real life. Filled with stereotypical characters in the usual dumb situations, I'm glad I didn't pay to see this.
This is by far one of the worst movies I could ever imagine. The CGI is crap. The characters are poorly written and their acting is atrocious. I like B movies but this was torture to watch.
This was solid, the characters weren't amazing, but they had some traits and most of the acting was really solid and everyone (mostly) was trying. The effects are really good, everyone says they aren't. but this all takes place in a virtual world which explains if some cg isn't amazing, so quit it. this was really well paced and was never boring. the story could have been a little more unique, but I never once was bored or felt like this was a copy. check it out
- craftboytde
- Jul 7, 2019
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First things first, this is not as bad as some of the reviews make it out to be. It's not the worst low-budget film I've seen by a long way. I actually found myself enjoying it in parts too.
In the future convicted murderers get the chance to 'volunteer' for a reality TV programme which mixes "Battle Royal", "The Running Man" and "The Hunger Games" with "Jurassic Park". The 'volunteers' are immersed in a virtual reality landscape and their bodies are hooked up to lethal injections; they have to navigate their way out of a dinosaur themed manhunt, and manage to be the last person standing - if they die in virtual reality, the lethal injection is administered in real life. Surviving as the last person rewards them with a pardon for their crimes and gives them their freedom back. Some parts of civilization aren't happy with the games and protest, some people are avid fans and have made the games a part of their staple celebrity obsessed life. The line-up for this year is announced, a mix of psychopaths, cannibals, and sociopaths. Amongst them, one man who swears his innocent and is using the games as his last attempt for freedom. The story follows this 'innocent' man as he has to deal with his fellow volunteers as well as the dinosaurs in a fight not just for freedom, but his life - will he survive?
A lot of the reviews on here lambast the terrible CGI, and I won't lie, I have seen better - but I have also seen a hell of a lot worse so I can forgive it. Another criticism I've read is that the acting wasn't great, it's not gritty or authentic - I won't lie, it wasn't, but I've seen a hell of a lot worse, from bigger named actors too (the weakest character in this for me was the use of Joy - I didn't believe her threat and her 'smacked-arse-face' just annoyed me. Another negative review is that the plot is poor - ok, it wasn't out and out original, but I've seen worse rip-offs of films delivered worse; at least this film has the manners to mash-up films rather than directly rip them off. In general I found this film ok, I've seen better, and I've seen worse. It was a watchable film for a lazy day that wasn't offensive and didn't make me feel like I'd lost 2 hours of my life. Sure there were plot holes and inaccuracies, cheap special effects and camp acting, but it also had a charm to it, a decent pace and was totally harmless - hell, culturally it also has the potential to ask questions about celebrity culture, human ethics, entertainment, law and punishment, and a whole lot more - but it doesn't delve into them on account of it being a B-movie. I'm going to give this a 5 out of 10.
In the future convicted murderers get the chance to 'volunteer' for a reality TV programme which mixes "Battle Royal", "The Running Man" and "The Hunger Games" with "Jurassic Park". The 'volunteers' are immersed in a virtual reality landscape and their bodies are hooked up to lethal injections; they have to navigate their way out of a dinosaur themed manhunt, and manage to be the last person standing - if they die in virtual reality, the lethal injection is administered in real life. Surviving as the last person rewards them with a pardon for their crimes and gives them their freedom back. Some parts of civilization aren't happy with the games and protest, some people are avid fans and have made the games a part of their staple celebrity obsessed life. The line-up for this year is announced, a mix of psychopaths, cannibals, and sociopaths. Amongst them, one man who swears his innocent and is using the games as his last attempt for freedom. The story follows this 'innocent' man as he has to deal with his fellow volunteers as well as the dinosaurs in a fight not just for freedom, but his life - will he survive?
A lot of the reviews on here lambast the terrible CGI, and I won't lie, I have seen better - but I have also seen a hell of a lot worse so I can forgive it. Another criticism I've read is that the acting wasn't great, it's not gritty or authentic - I won't lie, it wasn't, but I've seen a hell of a lot worse, from bigger named actors too (the weakest character in this for me was the use of Joy - I didn't believe her threat and her 'smacked-arse-face' just annoyed me. Another negative review is that the plot is poor - ok, it wasn't out and out original, but I've seen worse rip-offs of films delivered worse; at least this film has the manners to mash-up films rather than directly rip them off. In general I found this film ok, I've seen better, and I've seen worse. It was a watchable film for a lazy day that wasn't offensive and didn't make me feel like I'd lost 2 hours of my life. Sure there were plot holes and inaccuracies, cheap special effects and camp acting, but it also had a charm to it, a decent pace and was totally harmless - hell, culturally it also has the potential to ask questions about celebrity culture, human ethics, entertainment, law and punishment, and a whole lot more - but it doesn't delve into them on account of it being a B-movie. I'm going to give this a 5 out of 10.
- one9eighty
- Aug 28, 2018
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It seems this movie is either getting slammed by reviewers who expected Spielberg, or praised by people who just wanted a fun movie. Count me with the latter group.
Look, the writing, acting and directing are all better than adequate. The complaints come down to the special effects, ie, the dinosaurs. Yes, the dinosaurs look like virtual reality / computer game graphics. But think about it - that's what they're supposed to be. These people are in a virtual reality game, with virtual monsters, and so I don't mind in the least that the monsters look all digital and stuff.
I recommend getting a copy in BluRay from your friendly neighborhood Redbox, or however you like to see HD movies, sit back with some snacks and enjoy it. It's not "Jurassic World," but it's better than a made-for-SyFy movie.
Daft bit gory and fun.
Ok so it's not going to win any awards but it was entertaining and killed an hour or so. People are too critical these days just relax and enjoy the corn.
Plus I love a T-rex or 3....
It's not bad but it's not good, definitely a movie to watch if you're bored, easily new what the ended would be though, CGI isn't bad for a low budget movie
It's not bad but it's not good, definitely a movie to watch if you're bored, easily new what the ended would be though, CGI isn't bad for a low budget movie
It's not bad but it's not good, definitely a movie to watch if you're bored, easily new what the ended would be though, CGI isn't bad for a low budget movie
It's not bad but it's not good, definitely a movie to watch if you're bored, easily new what the ended would be though, CGI isn't bad for a low budget movie.
It's not bad but it's not good, definitely a movie to watch if you're bored, easily new what the ended would be though, CGI isn't bad for a low budget movie
It's not bad but it's not good, definitely a movie to watch if you're bored, easily new what the ended would be though, CGI isn't bad for a low budget movie
It's not bad but it's not good, definitely a movie to watch if you're bored, easily new what the ended would be though, CGI isn't bad for a low budget movie.
- nogodnomasters
- Jun 17, 2018
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Hands down the worst acting I've ever seen, this movie has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.