Just over 26 minutes into the movie, Anna drives up to Moody's estate in London. As she drives up to the front of the house she is sitting in the driver's seat on the right side of the car, as it should be in England. In the next shot, she exits from the left side of the car.
When Anna googles Edward Hayes, on the result page it says he was assassinated on December 25, 1991. The link to the daily telegraph shows the date July 6 1990. And in the article it says Hayes was killed the day before.
Anna gives Moody a 1958 Gibson Flying V guitar supposedly owned and played by Albert King. Moody plays it (right-handed). Albert King actually played left-handed.
Albert King had an unorthodox style of playing his guitar. He left it strung for a right handed player but would flip the guitar over and play it left handed. (Jimmy Hendrix did the same thing, as they had both learned to play on a "right-handed" guitar.)
Albert King had an unorthodox style of playing his guitar. He left it strung for a right handed player but would flip the guitar over and play it left handed. (Jimmy Hendrix did the same thing, as they had both learned to play on a "right-handed" guitar.)
Rembrandt remarks that you don't ever see an Asian Russian. Most of Russia is in Asia, so there are many Asian Russians.
His point is that the people more often seen look like Europeans instead of those who have oriental or south Asians features.
His point is that the people more often seen look like Europeans instead of those who have oriental or south Asians features.
After the final rush in the ballroom and the explosion, where did all the security, guests and workers go? No one is seen after the explosion.
The answer is, they all left on the boats that brought them to the island. The fights and chases take some time in-universe.
The answer is, they all left on the boats that brought them to the island. The fights and chases take some time in-universe.
It was reported that Vietnam, as a Leninist state, would never tolerate large foreign criminal organizations.
However, not abiding by laws is the whole point of such.
However, not abiding by laws is the whole point of such.
When Anna tries to take out Edward at the dinner party she is tackled and they make a point to show her gun left on the floor when she flees. At the end when she's walking in the rain before the final showdown with Rembrandt, she has a gun tucked in the back of her pants, but it is never established how she got another gun after dropping hers.
The address on the box full of cigars is wrong, as Vietnam is spelled as " Vitenam".
When Anna is in the ceiling void and turns on the main sprinkler valve to activate the sprinklers on the bad guys, it would have already been open. Sprinkler systems are pressurized live all the time and are activated by heat sensitive heads.
The style of Routemaster Bus used in the London scenes hasn't been in use since 2005, with the exception of route 15 which was canceled in April 2021. The route master shown is a tour bus which wouldn't be able to operate as they are not step-free nor ULEZ compliant.
In London, when the police vehicles arrive on the scene of the shooting up of the book store, they are flashing red-and-blue emergency lights. UK police cars use only blue emergency lights on top, with additional white lights in the front and red lights in the back to show other drivers their moving direction.
While talking with Vohl on the phone before meeting him in his office Anna asks him about the other man in his office. She can see into his office from her balcony without binoculars or a telescope as it's not that far away.
Later, when she goes to his office, the closest buildings across from his office are almost a mile away, on the other side of a large body of water. She would not be able to see into his office without a telescope.
Later, when she goes to his office, the closest buildings across from his office are almost a mile away, on the other side of a large body of water. She would not be able to see into his office without a telescope.
The opening scene takes place in 1991, but the $20 bills on the table are from at least ten years later. The portrait of Andrew Jackson on them has no oval border, a design change that wouldn't be made until 2001.
At the start of the movie when Moody slowly opens the door and sees the dead bodies in the room, he pulls out his 1911 with his finger on the trigger. The problem is that 1911 pistols are single action, which means if he were to actually pull the trigger, nothing would happen (the hammer must be manually cocked back first). This is why it's customary to carry a 1911 pistol with the hammer cocked back but with manual safety engaged (this is known as cocked & locked).
At around 1:08:00 Anna racks the shotgun but never fires, when she goes to fire she again racks the shotgun.
Anna claims that an apple martini and a liter of AB+ blood could fix her. O- is the universal donor, not AB+. If she has AB+ blood, it doesn't matter what blood type she would receive, she has the blood type that is the universal acceptor.