59 reviews
I mean to be honest when I first heard that a remake of this masterpiece was in the works I thought it would be a little tricky to live up to our expectations. But man I was in for a surprise!
The game is flawless, I almost cried when I first heard the remade battle theme & the mako reactor themes.
The combat system is way better than I expected, the characters are as fantastic as ever. As for the graphics, it's easily one of the best looking games ever made.
So even if you haven't played the original, or any final fantasy games, get this played, you're in for one hell of a ride!!
- ahmedali-02182
- Apr 11, 2020
- Permalink
What a phenomenal game, without a doubt the best final fantasy since x or xii depending on your taste (xiii trilogy and xv were equally flawed)
The graphics are so detailed and breathtaking, the music so moving and emotional as you would expect from a ff game, the combat also really improved over xv and it flows really well with the music, now it's not flawless and you might get a texture pup in every now and then which is alright for a game this big and it can easily be fixed with some patches.
All around this is a beautiful love letter to final fantasy and vii fans and even though the story is not complete, the game is up to 35+ hours with the side missions and you'll get your money's worth so don't hesitate to get this gem of a videogame.
The graphics are so detailed and breathtaking, the music so moving and emotional as you would expect from a ff game, the combat also really improved over xv and it flows really well with the music, now it's not flawless and you might get a texture pup in every now and then which is alright for a game this big and it can easily be fixed with some patches.
All around this is a beautiful love letter to final fantasy and vii fans and even though the story is not complete, the game is up to 35+ hours with the side missions and you'll get your money's worth so don't hesitate to get this gem of a videogame.
We all remember where we were in 2005 when the PS3 tech demo was shown to the world and we were all teased with something that few ever imagined would become a reality. Here we are, April 10th 2020, and the remake of Final Fantasy VII is a reality!! The graphics are stunning, especially if you have a 4K tv, and the gameplay is fluid and fun. I must admit that the goosebumps hit pretty hard once those first notes of music played over Aerith's face(and what a gorgeously rendered face it is!) and it felt like 1997 all over again!! Thank you, Square Enix!!!!
- steveo1532
- Apr 9, 2020
- Permalink
I am a die hard fan of the original FF7 game, so I was both thrilled as well as nervous about this remake. I mean, how can you top one of the best games ever made? Also, how do you manage to satisfy the lovers of old school 'turn based' action, as well as the next generation? Well, they actually managed to pull it off! Not just in terms of gameplay or graphics, but also the effort to go much more in depth with each character and side character. I am truly impressed by the creativity of the developers, who managed to stay true to the original plot, as well as surprise those who know the story so well.
Although the story only covers the Midgar part, FF7 Remake has all the characteristics of a full game and much, much more!
Although the story only covers the Midgar part, FF7 Remake has all the characteristics of a full game and much, much more!
- dvandenbrandt
- Apr 17, 2020
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- stephentibbles-71735
- Apr 14, 2020
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This game is absolutely stunning in every way. I'm so deeply impressed by it. Incredibly immersive, to the point where I forget I'm actually playing a game. I love all the new content and side quests. It really just adds to and enriches the game and story. Playability is also flawless. The materia, limit, weapon upgrades, etc are all very easy to understand. I feel like replayability is going to be very high with this game; at least for me!
- little_fern
- Apr 10, 2020
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The original game means so much more to me than nostalgia- as it does to many people. When the original released there were not many games of its scope, its wackiness, its maturity or its willingness to play with themes ahead of its time. Needless to say I was worried square would mess this up after FF13 and FF15 (at release). I was even tempted to not preorder after having my faith in the series shaken since FF12.
Needless to say (as my opinion is in the title)- but this game is incredible. I will be replaying this game for a long time.
Without ruining anything- yes- it has changed things- but only for the better. Elements that needed fleshing out have been- there are no unnecessary elements (only side quests/mini games if you want them) and the finale is absolutely outstanding.
From a graphical standpoint, never have I felt so happy to have invested in a pro and a 4k tv- and this is from someone who thought that when I played God of War. It is breathtaking in every section.
The soundtrack is, again, incredible. From the intro to the outro I found myself occasionally just amazed with how well this game all fits together- and the music is the glue- I will be downloading it after writing this review. The voice acting is absolutely amazing, even from third party characters of passers by- there is nothing that annoys me more than screechy terrible voice actors constantly yabbing as you wander through an area- but in this they all talk about relevant (game) world matters and its really interesting to catch some of their conversations.
The gameplay (especially battling) has the welcome element of challenge and a really decent variety- in normal and hard. You have to actually consider equipment, skills and materia in this. It is not a button masher. There is plenty of choice of approach too- not just one method to beat someone or something- as well as varying small elements through player choice though we all meet many of the major story beats. I would akin it story path wise more to uncharted 4, than to say the Witcher- there is player choice and an interesting world to explore- but it is not open world. The story is amazing. Thats all im saying about that.
For those as familiar with the original as I am then there are so so many small and large elements to kick up your nostalgia. So many. I absolutely loved seeing what was a 2D painted environment brought into a living breathing world. Finding all it was super fun- and I am replaying now.
All in all, it is as my title says, an absolute pleasure for your eyes, your ears and your heart. If you had lost faith in square like I had started to- then please give them a chance- you wont regret it.
Needless to say (as my opinion is in the title)- but this game is incredible. I will be replaying this game for a long time.
Without ruining anything- yes- it has changed things- but only for the better. Elements that needed fleshing out have been- there are no unnecessary elements (only side quests/mini games if you want them) and the finale is absolutely outstanding.
From a graphical standpoint, never have I felt so happy to have invested in a pro and a 4k tv- and this is from someone who thought that when I played God of War. It is breathtaking in every section.
The soundtrack is, again, incredible. From the intro to the outro I found myself occasionally just amazed with how well this game all fits together- and the music is the glue- I will be downloading it after writing this review. The voice acting is absolutely amazing, even from third party characters of passers by- there is nothing that annoys me more than screechy terrible voice actors constantly yabbing as you wander through an area- but in this they all talk about relevant (game) world matters and its really interesting to catch some of their conversations.
The gameplay (especially battling) has the welcome element of challenge and a really decent variety- in normal and hard. You have to actually consider equipment, skills and materia in this. It is not a button masher. There is plenty of choice of approach too- not just one method to beat someone or something- as well as varying small elements through player choice though we all meet many of the major story beats. I would akin it story path wise more to uncharted 4, than to say the Witcher- there is player choice and an interesting world to explore- but it is not open world. The story is amazing. Thats all im saying about that.
For those as familiar with the original as I am then there are so so many small and large elements to kick up your nostalgia. So many. I absolutely loved seeing what was a 2D painted environment brought into a living breathing world. Finding all it was super fun- and I am replaying now.
All in all, it is as my title says, an absolute pleasure for your eyes, your ears and your heart. If you had lost faith in square like I had started to- then please give them a chance- you wont regret it.
- pboultonlear
- Apr 13, 2020
- Permalink
This game is technically perfect, (albeit the occasional camera issue) and it holds true to the story the original wanted to tell but couldnt. Its a wonderful tribute to the original and leaves the sense of a huge promise that has yet (but will) be fulfilled in the future. We believe in you Kitase and Nomura!
With praises that send the rocket into outer space! -Anon
With praises that send the rocket into outer space! -Anon
- atkinsonryan-70311
- Apr 16, 2020
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Dont understand how people have not give this a 9 or 10 love new version so good keeps story but with a couple of better changes fighting system is amazing loads action and a bit of emotion just gutted got to wait for part 2
- jasongannon
- Apr 13, 2020
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- toto_domination
- Apr 17, 2020
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Most faithful remake I ever played. I loved each part of it. It made me giggle to see the little nods and reimagination of things. The little additions makes sense and not just padding. The ending isn't bad but just felt like an OVA of an anime without changing a lot of stuff. Lots of time this game made me cry. This is absolutely beautiful. Part 2 soon please square!
- timario_toshihiko
- Apr 14, 2020
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- dlinderman-55448
- Apr 18, 2020
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Tbh the ending of the game is so bad and exhausting that i truly wanted to rate it 1/10 after beating the story (it is just a constant tiresome streak of bosses one after the other - terrible game design decision, imo. I was like "just end it already, its getting worst and more stupid with every next boss fight in a row").
But with all rage aside it is worth a 5/10, and 4/10 if it would be a fresh new title, not world famous game remake with tons of nostalgia involved.
Plot - it is ok while it sticks to the original, but all this new whispers nonsence is total garbage and shouldnt exist
Combat - it feels incomplete. It is better than in ff15, but still needs improvement. Sometimes camera doing stupid things, mobile enemies are pain cause AI is bad when it comes to measuring distance to land a hit with skills, so u can often miss unless you manually get to right distance.
Overall teammates AI is very poor, they are way too passive and u cant really change it unless you controll them manually. And u cant do this with 3 units at the same time when the combat is real time. So your main unit always gets his action gauge filled 3-4 times faster than 2 other units and it is annoying. Sometimes AI controlled teammates just stand and block or standing afk instead of doing something and it is strange that i could't find any settings to change their behavior. FF12 used to have 10 or 12 setting for each character (for example, use offensive magic if u face flying enemy for the characters with melee weapon, use healing item of magic if ally health drop below 40% etc). And in FF7 remake sometimes allies feels more like a burden than like useful help (example, boss use aoe attack and all your charactes got heavy damage, but only main character have enough action gauge to use heal cause other 2 are too passive, so you waste your turns to heal the other two and not doing damage while they are slowly accumutating their gauge). And the action gauge system itself have 1 problem - spamming enemies, like one guy at the end of the game that constatly throws powerfull attacks at you and you cant accumulate enough gauge to keep the pace.
But still the combat system have improved much since ff15 with no chance to abuse items finally (which is major problem to a most modern rpg's) and i hope square will polish it for FF16.
Graphics - main characters looking really good, Clouds greatsword on his back with materia is looking great, but overall indoors and outdoors are pretty mediocre, and i'm playing PS5 version.
Game design - game is just a gut and absolutelly linear, it has next to none exploration and many "you cant go there right now cause Hey cloud, my home is this way" moments are annoying and feels like just poor game design
Main problem is lenght. They literally stretched a good fast paced opening to a big adventure from original (it took about 7 hours to get through) to a boring and awfully slow 30 hours of cuscenes, filler content + commonplace sidequests and very slow mediocre gameplay. Everything in this game except for combat is painfully slow.
If this "game" would be twice shorter it would be only for the best. Same plot with more details and depth for 15 hours and it wouldn't fail the pace so much (but then it would be harder to sell it for AAA price ofc).
P. S. Funny to see all those 10/10 guys that obviously dont spend even 3 hours playing before making a reviev)
But with all rage aside it is worth a 5/10, and 4/10 if it would be a fresh new title, not world famous game remake with tons of nostalgia involved.
Plot - it is ok while it sticks to the original, but all this new whispers nonsence is total garbage and shouldnt exist
Combat - it feels incomplete. It is better than in ff15, but still needs improvement. Sometimes camera doing stupid things, mobile enemies are pain cause AI is bad when it comes to measuring distance to land a hit with skills, so u can often miss unless you manually get to right distance.
Overall teammates AI is very poor, they are way too passive and u cant really change it unless you controll them manually. And u cant do this with 3 units at the same time when the combat is real time. So your main unit always gets his action gauge filled 3-4 times faster than 2 other units and it is annoying. Sometimes AI controlled teammates just stand and block or standing afk instead of doing something and it is strange that i could't find any settings to change their behavior. FF12 used to have 10 or 12 setting for each character (for example, use offensive magic if u face flying enemy for the characters with melee weapon, use healing item of magic if ally health drop below 40% etc). And in FF7 remake sometimes allies feels more like a burden than like useful help (example, boss use aoe attack and all your charactes got heavy damage, but only main character have enough action gauge to use heal cause other 2 are too passive, so you waste your turns to heal the other two and not doing damage while they are slowly accumutating their gauge). And the action gauge system itself have 1 problem - spamming enemies, like one guy at the end of the game that constatly throws powerfull attacks at you and you cant accumulate enough gauge to keep the pace.
But still the combat system have improved much since ff15 with no chance to abuse items finally (which is major problem to a most modern rpg's) and i hope square will polish it for FF16.
Graphics - main characters looking really good, Clouds greatsword on his back with materia is looking great, but overall indoors and outdoors are pretty mediocre, and i'm playing PS5 version.
Game design - game is just a gut and absolutelly linear, it has next to none exploration and many "you cant go there right now cause Hey cloud, my home is this way" moments are annoying and feels like just poor game design
Main problem is lenght. They literally stretched a good fast paced opening to a big adventure from original (it took about 7 hours to get through) to a boring and awfully slow 30 hours of cuscenes, filler content + commonplace sidequests and very slow mediocre gameplay. Everything in this game except for combat is painfully slow.
If this "game" would be twice shorter it would be only for the best. Same plot with more details and depth for 15 hours and it wouldn't fail the pace so much (but then it would be harder to sell it for AAA price ofc).
P. S. Funny to see all those 10/10 guys that obviously dont spend even 3 hours playing before making a reviev)
- fallendrom
- Jan 29, 2022
- Permalink
Fans of the original along with newcomers will be blown away by the story, scenery, music, and game play. There are things like some background rendering that can be touched up a little bit, but that's not enough for me to dock any points from a perfect scoring game. The only thing I would say is if you're a newcomer or not an avid FFVII fan like myself, then you can save $20-$30 and get the standard edition, and that is more than enough content to please anybody.
23 years in waiting and by god have they delivered.. i was obsessed with the original. My all time favourite game so naturally i was sceptical and worried they were tampering with such a classic. I am absolutely delighted with it.. really felt like you were in the world of final fantasy 7. The characters,story,graphics and of course the battle syetem were absolutely on point. Not 1 complaint..groundbreaking game and i hope the next parts to the game continue to impress.
- adambryden-78238
- Apr 24, 2020
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Brought me back so much to when this game dropped. The story was just so amazing...
- madeincanada-08745
- Apr 14, 2020
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This is a beautiful game!!! I just love playing it!! Story is good, graphics are awesome!! It's like and interactive movie!! I love it!!!!! I hope they make more like this !!
THIS GAME IS GREAT, but it is not perfect.
This is not really an RPG in the sense you don't really get much opportunity to level up since it follows a fairly traditional action game (stage 1, stage 2, etc...). In the places that you are given a choice to "grind," it is not worth it since the enemies give so little experience points and you have to leave areas and return for the enemies to revive.
There is still some customization involve but it mostly deals with material as opposed to stats, since stats are generally gain to a certain extend. I wish you had more opportunities to explore the city but you don't really get that. ONCE YOU LEAVE AN AREA, THAT IS USUALLY IT. You don't get a chance to go to that area anytime you want.
The camera is ok for the most parts but some battles can get really clunky, especially if the enemies are in a small area or if they are flying. The camera will just go all over the place.
The biggest issue is that the story really doesn't go anywhere, it is just a setup. The Midgar section in the original FF7 was around 3 - 4 hours long only, there is not much story there, just a set up. Square Enix took that and turned it into a fun 30+ hour game. It is not a spoiler but it literally ends when you leave Midgar so yup.
This is not really an RPG in the sense you don't really get much opportunity to level up since it follows a fairly traditional action game (stage 1, stage 2, etc...). In the places that you are given a choice to "grind," it is not worth it since the enemies give so little experience points and you have to leave areas and return for the enemies to revive.
There is still some customization involve but it mostly deals with material as opposed to stats, since stats are generally gain to a certain extend. I wish you had more opportunities to explore the city but you don't really get that. ONCE YOU LEAVE AN AREA, THAT IS USUALLY IT. You don't get a chance to go to that area anytime you want.
The camera is ok for the most parts but some battles can get really clunky, especially if the enemies are in a small area or if they are flying. The camera will just go all over the place.
The biggest issue is that the story really doesn't go anywhere, it is just a setup. The Midgar section in the original FF7 was around 3 - 4 hours long only, there is not much story there, just a set up. Square Enix took that and turned it into a fun 30+ hour game. It is not a spoiler but it literally ends when you leave Midgar so yup.
My first ever Final Fantasy game.
Story was crazy, unpredictable and truly awesome. Characters were unique, each one had something interesting about them that kept me invested throughout the game. The game does a great job of making you genuinely care for them. However, I always got the feeling that if I had played the original, these feelings would've been heightened and the story would've meant a whole lot more.
I was sceptical of the battle system at first but, as I played and got used to it, it became the best part of the game. Especially when you have 3 in a party. The stop start nature is perfect for scoping out each fight and getting the best tactical advantage.
My one gripe would be that the majority of the side quests felt a little stale and had no other purpose but to lengthen the game.
Overall its a must play. Even for people who have never played a Final Fantasy game, as I hadn't.
Story was crazy, unpredictable and truly awesome. Characters were unique, each one had something interesting about them that kept me invested throughout the game. The game does a great job of making you genuinely care for them. However, I always got the feeling that if I had played the original, these feelings would've been heightened and the story would've meant a whole lot more.
I was sceptical of the battle system at first but, as I played and got used to it, it became the best part of the game. Especially when you have 3 in a party. The stop start nature is perfect for scoping out each fight and getting the best tactical advantage.
My one gripe would be that the majority of the side quests felt a little stale and had no other purpose but to lengthen the game.
Overall its a must play. Even for people who have never played a Final Fantasy game, as I hadn't.
- Matrix_Gaming
- Apr 7, 2021
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- Sandre-Monroe
- Dec 28, 2021
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- HollisWoods
- Mar 15, 2021
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That dance sequence...
I did not expect this game to slap this hard. But it slapped me so hard, my wig fell off.
Can't Wait For Final Fantasy VII Remake 2/10
I did not expect this game to slap this hard. But it slapped me so hard, my wig fell off.
Can't Wait For Final Fantasy VII Remake 2/10
- colorthekid
- May 16, 2020
- Permalink
I have fond memories of this game, i simply adored the original when i was a teenager.
I was obviously afraid to even try the remake. Would they destroy it like disney destroyed star wars? Another cash grab, for al the fans who would try anything to get this nostalgic sense of wonder and adventure they once experienced?
But i did try and square redeemed themselves in an epic fashion. This game is loyal to the fans and the original game. They didn't try to force it on a new generation with the gameplay they expect. Instead, they lovingly took what made the original so memorable. Tried to expand on what worked and what could be improved. At the same time reworking the story, to fit within a modern game and modern storytelling.
They succeeded beyond expectation. Even the music is perfectly improved. I am enjoying everything, experiencing this story i already know and love, in new ways as an adult.
Good job Square! More of this please(ff9)
I was obviously afraid to even try the remake. Would they destroy it like disney destroyed star wars? Another cash grab, for al the fans who would try anything to get this nostalgic sense of wonder and adventure they once experienced?
But i did try and square redeemed themselves in an epic fashion. This game is loyal to the fans and the original game. They didn't try to force it on a new generation with the gameplay they expect. Instead, they lovingly took what made the original so memorable. Tried to expand on what worked and what could be improved. At the same time reworking the story, to fit within a modern game and modern storytelling.
They succeeded beyond expectation. Even the music is perfectly improved. I am enjoying everything, experiencing this story i already know and love, in new ways as an adult.
Good job Square! More of this please(ff9)
- arnoud-bekker
- Jan 5, 2021
- Permalink