The animation was fine, the Japanisms in full force. Protect, regain your honor and dignity, die in the name of God or against one, etc, but what annoyed the hell out of me was the sloppiness of the script. One moment an old guy says they have traveled for 20 years and can't take the trip back, the other the ship is taking a one minute jump and it's back where it started. One moment a guy is basically court marshaled, and people are telling him he's insane and asks for too much, the other he is commanding landing forces. There is an alien species that landed on Earth right before Godzilla messed everything up which has no real purpose. There is a scene where they land back on Earth and there is a guy in the leaves, and that's the only scene where we see any people on the planet. There is a conspiracy theory that gets announced, then never mentioned again.
And the characters. They have names and they do things, but you don't know why. There is no character development at all. Who is the shy girl? Why are people referring to her like I should know her. Is this an episode of something? No, it's a part of a trilogy, but it's the first part!
It's just... weird. I can't imagine going through the effort of drawing all of this on the basis of a stupid script. Who does that? I can only consider this a failure, because it is clearly not what was intended to be.