3 of 5 found this to have none
4 of 4 found this severe
Played from a third-person perspective, the player explores the city to find weapons and vehicles in order to survive while attempting to find clues about the outbreak.
At certain points, the game triggers events such as zombie attacks, raids from corporate soldiers, and survivor rescue missions which further elaborate the storyline.
By defeating the enemies and completing mission objectives, the player earns experience points which can be used to improve Frank's attributes and abilities.
There is frequent and strong depictions of violence in the game.
Blood splatters when the player-character attacks hordes of zombies.
Zombies are frequently decapitated and dismembered, or explode into bits of gore when hit by more powerful weapons.
Defeated zombies leave behind a bloody mess on the ground.
Overall, realistic violence such as killing, maiming and/or causing serious injury to humanoid characters is featured, but the violence itself is not sadistic, cruel and/or abhorrent.
2 of 4 found this severe
Frequent use of strong coarse language.
There is the use of coarse language such as "motherf**ker" and "f**k" featured in the game.
3 of 3 found this to have none
4 of 6 found this severe
'Dead Rising 4' is a third-person action game which can be played in single player or multiplayer mode. The main protagonist is Frank West, a journalist who is investigating a zombie outbreak in the fictional town of Willamette in Colorado. Other than piecing together the truth behind the outbreak, Frank needs to use all his wits and weapons to fight off both zombies and corporate soldiers and get his story out.