- A young man and his three younger siblings, who have kept secret the death of their beloved mother in order to remain together, are plagued by a sinister presence in the sprawling manor in which they live.
- Three brothers and a sister have just lost their mother. After her death they fear to be separated, so to protect themselves and prevent this from happening they decide to flee to an abandoned farm, a place that is not what it seems, because it hides a dark secret between its walls.
- In the late 60's, Ms. Marrowbone travels from England to the Maine with her children Jack, Billy, Jane and Sam to flee from her evil husband. The siblings befriend the youth local librarian Allie, who lives in a nearby farm, and have a wonderful summer together. But soon their mother that is ill becomes terminal and asks their siblings to promise to stay in the house together until Jack is twenty-one and becomes capable to assume the family. She dies and they bury her in the property, while Jack and Allie fall in love with each other. Jack hides the death of his mother from the locals, and when the lawyer Porter requests her signature to transfer the real estate to her name, Jane forges her signature, but they need to pay a two-hundred-dollar tax. They are moneyless and Jack is forced to use the dirty money from his father that they had thrown away in a cave. But soon their evil father appears in the real estate and Jack hides his siblings in the attic. Soon a ghost terrifies the siblings, and all the mirrors are covered or hidden by Jack. What is the secret of the Marrobone manor?—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Fleeing from her serial killer husband Simon Fairbairn, who was known as 'The Beast of Bampton' in England, Rose moves her children Jack, Jane, Billy, and Sam back to her remote childhood home in America. As part of their attempt to remain hidden, Rose has everyone take her maiden name Marrowbone.
At a beachside landmark called 'Red Witch Rock,' the four siblings make friends with Allie, a local girl who lives on a nearby farm. Jack and Allie gradually develop a romance.
Bedridden with a terminal illness, Rose has Jack swear to keep their family hidden until he turns 21. Jack is distressed to discover his mother kept a box of money his father stole from victims, which Rose told the court she did not have. Rose dies. The children agree to keep her death secret.
Having escaped prison, Simon tracks down his family and fires a bullet through the house's window.
Cuts to Six Months Later - Jack bikes into town to see Allie at the library. Business agent Tom Porter, who is also interested in Allie, comes to see her as well. Tom ends up telling Jack that he will be coming by the house the next day to obtain Rose's signature and collect $200 to complete the estate transfer.
Jack returns home to his worried siblings. Billy suggests retrieving the moneybox to pay the $200. Jane reminds Jack of his promise to never touch that blood money again. Billy retrieves the box anyway from where Simon struck Jack with it.
Tom arrives the next day as the siblings race to put the house in order. Jane forges her mother's signature on the papers. Jack convinces Tom to accept cash, even though it is in British pounds.
While the siblings play that evening, a drop cloth falls from a mirror and strange sounds are heard from the attic. Jane claims their ghost has returned because they used the cursed money. Billy climbs to the roof and drops the moneybox down a chimney.
While giving her a ride home, Tom plants an idea in Allie's head that Jack's father was even worse than Jack told her. Allie later asks Jack about Simon while on a beach trip together. From a distance, Tom spies Jack and Allie kissing.
When Jack returns home, Billy berates him for unnecessarily leaving the house to be with Allie. Frustrations boil over as the brothers argue about Allie compromising their secret life.
Sam steals Jack's keys to get into Rose's locked bedroom. Sam hears strange noises from the ceiling before accidentally knocking a cloth from a mirror. Sam becomes frightened when he sees his reflection seemingly turn into the ghost.
Jane tells Jack that Sam supposedly saw the ghost. Jack points out that the ghost was a story they made up to keep the truth from Sam about having walled up their father inside the attic. Jane claims they need to give Simon a proper burial, which Jack refuses.
Tom surprises Allie with train tickets. Allie intimates that she isn't interested because she is involved with Jack. Upset, Tom leaves Allie with newspaper clippings revealing that Jack's father was a notorious serial killer.
A ghoulish hand reaches at Jane when she tries coaxing a raccoon out of a hole leading to the attic.
Tom's boss offers him a partnership in their firm, but requires that Tom buy 10% of the company's stock for $5,000. Tom realizes from his files that the Fairbairn family was suspected of keeping the 10,000 pounds stolen by Simon. Tom goes to see Jack and threatens to blackmail him for the money.
Billy climbs down the chimney to retrieve the moneybox. Billy ends up in the attic where he finds a mutilated raccoon. A gaunt figure tries strangling Billy with the rope he used to rappel down. Billy cuts the rope to escape, but suffers a deep wound to his side and drops the box.
Jack wakes from another blackout. Billy claims that Simon is still alive in the attic, having subsisted on stray animals and rainwater. Jack collapses again. Jane tells Billy they need Allie to save Jack.
Allie finds a homemade book left for her at Red Witch Rock that explains the truth about Simon as well as Jack's siblings having died.
Hoping to make his father go away, Jack goes outside to give his father the box of money. Simon strikes Jack in his head with the box. Simon attempts to strangle his son. Jack stabs his father in the throat and flees. Simon recovers and knocks Jack off a short cliff.
Simon goes to the house where Jane, Billy, and Sam are hiding in the attic. Simon murders all three children. Jack recovers, rushes back to the house, and finds his siblings dead.
Distraught, Jack prepares to shoot himself with his father's rifle. Instead, Jack's mind saves him by creating multiple personalities. Jack begins imagining that Jane, Billy, and Sam are still living with him in the house. Jack covers up all of the mirrors in the home so that he cannot see he is alone and bricks up the attic door with Simon presumably dead inside.
After Reading the book Allie races to their house.
Meanwhile, Tom arrives at the house to collect his extortion money. Drawn by suspicious sounds, Tom takes a sledgehammer to the bricks blocking the attic door. Tom finds the corpses of Jane, Billy, and Sam. Simon attacks Tom.
Allie arrives at the house to find Jack speaking to himself as his other siblings. In Jane's voice, Jack tells Allie they need her to take care of him. Allie shakes Jack out of his other personality. Jack shouts at Allie to leave "them" alone.
Allie investigates noises in the attic. Allie finds Tom with his throat slit. Simon confronts Allie. Allie screams for the siblings to help her.
Still embodying all of the children, Jack enters the attic and shoots Simon. Jack and Allie embrace.
12 Weeks Later - Allie visits a doctor who tells her he is pleased to hear that Jack has not shown any further signs of multiple personalities. The doctor also tries telling Allie that she could live a better life without Jack. The doctor gives Allie medication to take back to Jack.
Allie returns to Jack's house, where she now lives. Allie stashes away the medication before gifting Jack with a framed photo of his siblings. It is revealed that Allie continues allowing Jack to believe his siblings are still with him.
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