11 of 46 found this moderate
Multiple scenes of bare breasts, and male frontal nudity shown. Male and female full rear nudity. Male and female full frontal nudity.
There is sight of an erect penis during an interrupted sex scene as well as brief female full frontal nudity. A scene of implied rape without any nudity occurs as two women are held hostage by marauders.
13 of 23 found this severe
Shootings, stabbings, and beatings all take place.
Somebody is shot with a heavy blood spurt.
There is a very graphic and bloody throat slashing.
There is a scene where a couple take a family hostage in their own home, do a weird ritual involving magic mushrooms before beginning to have sex with the wife. In the scene they pause to anger the husband by having his wife beat his bare back. It is left unknown as to whether the wife is consenting and a child is present for most of the scene.
7 of 13 found this moderate
There is infrequent use of 'cunt' and 'fuck'. Other language includes 'prick', 'whore', 'bloody', 'bugger', 'shit', 'bastard' and 'arse'.
11 of 17 found this mild
Mead is drunk mixed with mushrooms in a couple of scenes but not to excess.
8 of 17 found this mild