Deanna doesn't understand the Dumbledore reference Jack makes in the Library, yet earlier in the movie she references Voldemort which is also a major role in the Harry Potter series.
Throughout the film all of the characters are working on their undergraduate degrees; however, in the graduation scene, all of them are wearing hoods on their gowns. Hoods are only awarded for graduate-level degrees. Their hoods appear to be for a master's degree.
Christine says that Harrison Ford blew up the Death Star and saved the galaxy. It was not Han Solo (the character Harrison Ford played), but Luke who destroyed the Death Star.
Dan cuts off his money so Deanna has to raise $12,000 dollars to stay in school, but schools require tuition up front so Dan would have already paid the bills.
Most states have community property laws so it would not matter if Deanna's name was not on the house, she still stood to receive half of the house's proceeds in a sale, half of Dan's pension, alimony, and half of pretty much everything else accumulated in the marriage. Additionally, Dan could not legally remove Deanna from the house AND he and his new girlfriend could not arbitrarily cut Deanna off financially without a court order.
Deanna mentions to her daughter coming out of her Vagoogle and then later tells Jack that she hurt herself all the way to her C Section scar.