Adapting an Edgar Allen Poe poem into a film is no easy task. There's a lot of gothic grandness in his poems and it's hard to adapt. But this film does it with no problem. The director does an excellent job of creating a dark, foreboding atmosphere that really keeps you on the edge of your seat. The cinematography was also top notch, with some of the shots looking like a painting. And of course, the writing does a faithful job of taking Poe's story and placing it in what does timeless. The costumes were also all incredible, including one towards the end of the production that was incredibly well detailed.
The acting was all solid, though a couple of deliveries from the lead actor sounded off, but at the same time it felt Edgar Allen Poe-esque.
The only real negatives I have is that at times the lighting continuity from outside to inside seemed off at times, at the audio would occasionally feel oddly cut. But overall it was a great film and a great adaptation. I couldn't reccomend you watch it more! Bravo!