- Sammy Navon: I love you man. You're a lucky guy, but when the luck runs out, then you gotta have a plan and you never have one. So I'm out.
- Ethan Levin: This mission has no backup. There's no exfil plan for you. You're going in without guns or any other weapon. If this goes wrong, you'll all be hanging from cranes in Khartoum.
- [first lines]
- Kabede Bimro: [narrating] My country is once again broken. Death is spreading. The new government is waging a war against the rebels. The rivers again have turned red with blood. Thousands dead. Millions disfigured, dishonored, displaced.
- Kabede Bimro: [narrating] One ancient people suffers among the rest. The Jews of Ethiopia. We, like all Ethiopians, are in danger. But we alone are getting help. Help from men I have contacted.
- Mossad Chief Barack Isaacs: Can you image me telling the prime minister that our agency is operating a real hotel? Oh, by the way Mr Prime Minister, our highly trained assassins are now in fucking hospitality industry in fucking Sudan!
- Ari Levinson: Come here. What do you see?
- Sammy Navon: Unsuspecting collateral damage?
- Rachel Reiter: Best cover we could ask for.