38 of 70 found this mild
Three women laying on bed, one women appears naked, you see bare breast for three seconds. Lesbian threesome is implied.
Prostitutes, lesbian sex, and brothel madam are major characters. Sex is mentioned and implied but not shown; nudity includes only brief breast nudity, but no male nudity whatsoever.
30 of 44 found this moderate
Like the show there are several instances of graphic violence
Several instances of gunshots to the head, some more graphic than others. The most disturbing instance includes part of a man's brain hanging out of a large hole in his head, not shown up close and not too graphic.
43 of 52 found this severe
Pervasive profanity and sexual references
Over 100 uses of "fuck" and frequent uses of "shit", "cocksucker", and "cunt"
22 of 39 found this moderate
Drinking and smoking throughout the whole film
Several characters are drunk. Characters are seen drinking straight from the bottle. One major character is dying of alcoholic liver disease.
20 of 41 found this mild
There is an attempted lynching of a black man using a noose.