This is the first Kamen Rider series that does not appear in any media (including manga) in Hong Kong, most likely due to cultural conflict. However, some Kamen Rider Zi-O episodes that have Ghost still aired.
The main actor Shun Nishime is notably the third actor to be cast as the lead in the Kamen Rider Series while under the age of 18, being the second youngest lead Rider, beating the previous record holder Sota Fukushi.
Takeru Tenkuji is the first title Rider whose given name is entirely in katakana script and not kanji, much like some Super Sentai characters throughout the franchise.
This is the first Heisei Rider season to use stock footage transformation sequences, much like the majority of the Super Sentai seasons. It still features the usual "on-location" transformations in many episodes, though.
Makoto's transformation pose before pulling the handle on his Driver is similar to part of Kotaro Minami's transformation pose as Kamen Rider Black, with both clenching their fists before initiating the transformation.