5 von 5 habe das keine gefunden
None whatsoever
4 von 5 haben dies leicht gefunden.
The player has to fight a multitude of enemies throughout the game, the fights between them are very action packed and fast paced, though never graphic or anything.
4 von 4 habe das keine gefunden
None, only 2 characters in the game actually talk and neither of them ever cuss
4 von 4 habe das keine gefunden
None whatsoever.
3 von 5 haben dies moderat gefunden.
At one point, the player has to navigate a place where there were several spider-like creatures who ended up freezing to death. There are some dead bodies seen (of the creatures), but this isn't in any way graphic and is treated in an emotional context rather than a disturbing one. It may still disturb some players, though.
There are many fast-paced segments of the game and require plenty of difficult, near-miss moves to succeed in.
Combat in the game, though not excessive in any way (you only encounter enemies in certain places, otherwise, you're mostly exploring), is very fast paced and frenetic, though it's never in any way graphic.
Kuro is a very intimidating enemy in terms of appearance and motivations.
The game is pretty difficult, and players may end up dying many times. It is, however, very rewarding and greatly encourages and rewards persistence.