- Roger Ebert [Susan Wloszczyna]
- Assholes Watching Movies [Jay Taylor]
- Austin Chronicle [Kimberley Jones]
- Big Fanboy [Patrick Hendrickson]
- Blu-ray [Jeffrey Kauffman]
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- CineMarvellous! [George Beremov]
- Coram Deo ~ [Bill Pence]
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- Sleepless with Steve [Steve Pulaski]
- Smash and Nasty go to the Movies [Anya, Sarah]
- Sofa Helden [MarS]
- German
- Ten Stars or Less [Ryan Gagne]
- The Steve Pulaski Message Board [Steve Pulaski]
- The Wrap [Alonso Duralde]
- Through the Shattered Lens [Lisa Marie Bowman]
- Wolfram Hannemann [Wolfram Hannemann]
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- à Voir à Lire [Nicolas Bonnes]
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