Marriage and relationships hit rough patches, it’s just part of the ride. Some couples find a way to reignite the spark, while others, unfortunately, end up in divorce or breakups, often wondering what went wrong and what they could’ve done differently. If given a second chance, would they make it work? Well, that’s exactly what Roberto Girault’s latest film titled “With You in the Future” explores, but with a time travel element. The story follows a couple on the brink of divorce who suddenly get the rare opportunity, thanks to a bearded stranger to rewind the clock and navigate the highs and lows of their marriage all over again.
With You in the Future Plot Summary & Movie Synopsis: Who are Carlos & Elena & Why They Travel to the Past?
Carlos and Elena have been inseparable since the day they met. But after years of marriage, they’ve grown worlds apart.
With You in the Future Plot Summary & Movie Synopsis: Who are Carlos & Elena & Why They Travel to the Past?
Carlos and Elena have been inseparable since the day they met. But after years of marriage, they’ve grown worlds apart.
- 2025-02-09
- par Rishabh Shandilya
- High on Films
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