Pirate's Passage (2015 TV Movie)
Justin Kelly: Carl Moehner, Lookout
Captain Charles Johnson : So, let me take you down to the Sou'wester and buy you the drink. Uh, you, Klaus, you'd better get yourself into some warm clothes, first. Pneumonia's *not* what you want.
Jim Hawkins : Captain? You can't go.
Captain Charles Johnson : Oh, damn, Jim, you're right. I can't. Not until Immigration clears me. At raincheck, then, fellas. All right? A drink when I've landed.
Klaus Moehner : [Shivering] Yes, sir.
Captain Charles Johnson : Get him home.
Carl Moehner : Will do.
Captain Charles Johnson : And the young one.
Carl Moehner : [laughing as Klaus was hit by the line thrown to him] Secure the line!
Klaus Moehner : *Shut your trap, or you're going in the drink! And, you can't swim, Carl!*