Quintessa : There is a way to heal your world. My power of creation, the staff, was stolen from me by my twelve Guardian Knights. They betrayed me, and hid it on Earth... gave it to your precious humans. The staff is the only way to bring life back to Cybertron. You are going to find it for me. Do you seek redemption, Prime? Do you?
Optimus Prime : My maker, I do.
Quintessa : Your war doomed Cybertron!
Optimus Prime : Megatron started the war!
Quintessa : You destroyed your world, you fool!
Quintessa : Optimus, it is time you knew the truth. The place you call Earth has another name: Unicron.
Optimus Prime : Earth... Unicron? Cybertron's ancient enemy?
Quintessa : Yes. You are going to kill him. With my staff, we will drain the very life from Unicron. Earth will die. And your world will be reborn... Nemesis Prime.
Optimus Prime : [his eyes turn purple] I will fight anyone who stands in my way.
Quintessa : I've been waiting for you, Optimus. Come meet your maker.