The guard that inspects Faith before escorting her out of the prison is voiced by Jules de Jongh, the voice of Faith in the original Mirror's Edge.
One piece of mission intel, a recording (Omnistat Gold #1) has three Krugersec Guardians talking between themselves. The voices are Sgt. Redford, Haggard, and Sweetwater from the DICE games Battlefield: Bad Company.
Initially was called Mirror's Edge 2, and was intended to be a prequel to the original game. Later on though the title was changed to Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, and it was announced that the game was now to be a reboot or as the developers call it a "Rebirth."
In an interview, Erik Oledahl, the game's design director, stated, "It's a full blown reboot. It's still about Faith, it's still about this futuristic dystopian society but we felt we needed more room to manoeuvre."
The game will have no gunfights.