The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015 Video Game)
Christian Contreras: Lambert
Geralt of Rivia : This fog is as thick as curdled milk.
Lambert : Never took you for a poet.
Geralt of Rivia : Oh, but I am one. Wanna hear a limerick?
Lambert : Sure.
Geralt of Rivia : Lambert, Lambert - what a prick.
Lambert : Not bad.
Geralt of Rivia : [the witchers are now completely drunk] Where's Eskel? Shoulda been back by now. We oughta... look around.
Lambert : [suddenly wearing Vesemir's ancient bonnet] This is a job... for Vesemir!
Geralt of Rivia : Think it's that bad being a witcher?
Lambert : Guess I could've been someone worse... Just a shame I had no choice.
Geralt of Rivia : It was our destiny...
Lambert : Destiny? Let me tell you about destiny. My dad was a drunk. He'd knock a few back, then beat me and Mom bloody. We prayed for his death, every night. One day our prayers were almost answered. Dad lost his way coming home from the tavern, walked smack into a nest of nekkers... But some witcher saved him. Know what he wanted in return? "Give me the first thing you see when you get home." My life... For the life of that prick? I say *fuck* that kinda destiny.