okay, i understand, that this was James's first film, but did it really need to be this bad ? in fact its so bad that it was only made in one day and has a limited cast. looks like the other crew thought that this was so bad they must have went on a better film . Snix is what had no effort put into it and its just so bad. its a non movie where the actors don't act and the effects for the ghosts are so bad, i don't know why James subjected this to his profile page, this stupid film makes him look so bad, since the film had no effort put into it and looks like it was shot on a VHS, which it was, it makes the mask with Jim Carrey look like comedic gold, god darn it, the mask is cheesy too. don't subject yourself to this. its awful. 0 out of 10 and 10 out of 10 for attempting to make my list of the worst films of all time.