Perfection in displaying love, glee, and nostalgia experienced in one's teenager years.
Although WIFTY started slow, this is when the pieces started coming together. All of the relationships are so cute and uplifting - we see Zai Zai's love monologue to Rang, Jia and Gu Ran's friendship developing into something more, and Guan Fang making his grandmother proud. Cinderella is a true showcase of WIFTY's character dynamics and it provides a breath of fresh air as it showcases all of the characters at their most energetic, love-fueled moments. Nostalgia is also present many times as it displays how far the characters have come since their first meeting to get to this point.
This episode of WIFTY is so beautifully crafted and pulls so many heartstrings that I can see why it inspired 'Blue'. At its finest, it reflects on the friendships that one looks back on with nostalgia, and the urge for a relationship with one who you care for.
I can't wait to see how everything develops from here but now, the characters and plot feel very reminiscent of Reply 1988, one of my favorite kdramas. This show has already proven to be amazing and I'm sure it only gets better from here!