Stars: Jadey Duffield, Crispian Belfrage, Danny Darren, Rodrigo Rodrigues, David Cheung, Rupinder Nagra, Shane Hart, Tayah Kansik, Lee Wakefield, Leon Sua | Written by Roman Elpidio, Jadey Duffield | Directed by Roman Elpidio
Elite Force: B.R.I. begins somewher in Edinburgh, as a homeless woman named Jesse is grabbed and forced into a van. When she wakes, she’s strapped to a table in a rather improvised looking lab that looks like it was slapped together in someone’s basement, not a high-tech facility where bleeding edge genetic research is being conducted.
But this is where Dr. Marco is perfecting the formula he calls, B.R.I. which stands for Body Recovery Immunization. It not only makes people stronger and faster but also allows them to heal, including regenerating lost body parts, at an incredible rate. He, of course, wants to use it to help humanity, especially injured veterans. However, Dr.
Elite Force: B.R.I. begins somewher in Edinburgh, as a homeless woman named Jesse is grabbed and forced into a van. When she wakes, she’s strapped to a table in a rather improvised looking lab that looks like it was slapped together in someone’s basement, not a high-tech facility where bleeding edge genetic research is being conducted.
But this is where Dr. Marco is perfecting the formula he calls, B.R.I. which stands for Body Recovery Immunization. It not only makes people stronger and faster but also allows them to heal, including regenerating lost body parts, at an incredible rate. He, of course, wants to use it to help humanity, especially injured veterans. However, Dr.
- 2025-02-05
- par Jim Morazzini
- Nerdly
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