17sur 62 ayant trouvé ceci moderate
Early in the movie we see the lady on top of the bartender on the sofa both naked and thrusting. One can see the side breasts and butt of the woman and chest and side of man.
There are two times when Zofia Jastrzebska appears with breasts exposed (while she is forcibly assisted to change her upper garment and later when she is in the bath)
Although not that graphic, there are other scenes where they show only the upper back and shoulders of the ones who are having sex with moaning and thrusting.
There is sex and nudity throughout the movie, although nothing is done in a grotesque or gratuitous way. The clearest scene of sex is at the start, where we see Monika naked on top of a man she is having sex with. After that, there are some scenes that involve sex, but most of the time, we only see from the shoulders up and just know what is happening.
A woman's dead body is shown on the beach face down for an extended period of time. Her butt is visible throughout. When they turn over her body, her breasts are visible for an instant.
31sur 39 ayant trouvé ceci severe
This is a crime thriller. We get a visual look at the way Monika is found. She is naked, face down on the beach. When she's turned around, her lips are missing. The camera shows this view a couple of times throughout the movie, including as memories from her mom who had to identify the body.
We also watch as a man who is accused of the murder throws himself out of a window. The police look outside, and we see the body on the ground.
There are a lot of mentions of twisted crimes during the movie. Some of this will be disturbing to hear, especially explanation of anal sexual assault.
18sur 30 ayant trouvé ceci mild
Considering the topic of the movie, the lack of language may be surprising. There are a couple of swear words, but no F-bombs, even when people are shouting in anger!
18sur 28 ayant trouvé ceci moderate
There are a lot of scenes in a bar, so there is some drinking in there. We also see Monika taking drugs when she is with the crime boss, who decides that he will make Monika his wife.
17sur 32 ayant trouvé ceci moderate