2 of 3 found this mild
No nudity. Several sex scenes.
Movie starts out with couple having sex in bed, mostly under covers, lots of movement and moaning, but no nudity. Then couple is shown in bathroom with girl showering behind frosted glass. No nudity shown.
A couple has sex standing against a wall. He's shown removing his pants and pull down her underwear, then thrusting and moaning. No nudity.
Woman shown briefly in a bath with cloudy water. No nudity.
Discussion of a child being raped/molested.
2 of 2 found this moderate
A man is shown to have shot himself, only a little blood is shown, with body in bathtub, not very graphic.
A man grabs a knife and just walks up to another man and stabs him without warning or provocation.
A car crash. A war scene.
All of the above happens within the first 15 minutes. Only a little blood shown, none are very graphic.
An old woman is hit with a wooden stick in a struggle and falls, resulting in her death.
A man shoots two dogs, it doesn't show it, but you hear the shot and the first dog yelping, then the man aims for the next.
Several bodies are shown being burned from a distance.
2 of 3 found this moderate
Pretty much every bad word said multiple times, especially f*** and a**hole.
2 of 2 found this mild
A man drops a white pill in a woman's water to help her relax when she's panicking.
A man is shown putting a cigarette in his mouth, not lit.
Everyone gets drunk around a fire, and dancing and partying.
1 of 2 found this severe
The movie has quite some intense scenes, stabbings, car crashes, woman discovering a suicide, war scene, child drowning, all in the first 15 minutes of the movie.
Some dogs are killed.