This piece of political trash is so hilariously made to trash Iran and it's people and government - as to be laughable.
Considering the history of Persia (Iran) this movie would have made "yellow journalist" William Randolph Hearst giddy! In 1951 Mohammed Mossadeg was Time's Man of the year .. and garnered a front page spread:,16641,19520107,00.html As Kermit Roosevelt brags on the web page, Kermit was in charge of bombing schools, churches and blaming it on Mossadeq! The reason for this terrorism: Mossadeq wanted to use some of Iran's oil revenues to improve his country! British Petroleum would have none of that .. and the "terror" started. Moosadeq was overthrown, and the Shah of Iran placed in charge of the county - and the secret police "The Savak" ruled Iran with extreme terror for decades. That is the historical perspective which this movie glosses over, making it such a piece of propaganda trash! On the one hand the CIA installed Shah .. killed and tortured hundreds of thousands of Iranians - on the other hand the vicious government they have now disallows dancing! What a tragedy that Movies like this get funded!