Microchip scanners only read the chip number. It cannot determine the owner and there are many registries that would have to be searched to determine an owner.
The old lady with the condensed milk fixation opens a can of it and pours it in a trail along the floor. Condensed milk is much too thick to pour like ordinary milk.
In reality a dog the size of Clifford would likely not have the bone density strong enough to support his own weight due to the square-cube law.
When the super comes to fix the dishwasher, he is able to determine the part needed for the dishwasher just by looking under the sink.
On the wharf, a man throws a lasso rope with a slip noose directly over Clifford's neck and is able to pull on it and secure it around the dog's neck.
When Emily searches Google for Bridwell's, the search result page says it is not configured to show results for that search, but that the search can be rerun without that restriction.
At 41: the vet puts his stethoscope in his ears the wrong way around (a mistake often made by actors).
At 41': the vet listens to Clifford's heart too high in his neck which means that he cannot detect any heart valve defect (the very thing he wants to check in the first place). He is listening to its left carotid artery (which could reveal a "bruit" - because of a narrowing - or a abnormal sound from the aortic valve of the heart but this is not as discriminant as listening directly to the chest and then both carotid arteries).
At 41: the vet blows on the receiving part of the stethoscope (chestpiece) as if to blow away some dust where as he is supposed to just gently blow once (or gently tap or touch the membrane) to verify that the round piece is turned the right way around when using a two-sided chestpiece (in this case the stethoscope is a simple one sided one and so it does not need to be checked prior to using it).