Fiona Dourif credited as playing...
- Chucky: 25 years. Since then a lot of families have come and gone. The Barclays, the Kincaids, the Tillys. But Nica, your family was always my favorite. And now, you're the last one standing. So to speak.
- [laughs evilly, then looks down at Nica]
- Chucky: You know, you remind me a lot of Andy Barclay. He was a whiney little bitch just like you.
- Nica: Did you kill him too?
- Chucky: More or less. I killed his childhood. And the truth is, I killed you 25 years ago, didn't I, Nica? You haven't been living. You can't call this living. You've just been on life support. Time to pull the fucking plug.
- Nica: [lifts her head up, looking at him] So, you never actually killed Andy Barclay, did you?
- Chucky: [steps back some] What?
- Nica: You know it's called Completion Anxiety. It's very common in males. You are a male, aren't you?
- Chucky: [glares] Oh, I'm gonna kill you slow.
- Nica: [laughs] Oh, now I get it. 25 years, must have been the slowest murder in history. I mean, what are you waiting for? A sign from God?
- Chucky: [turns to Nica after murdering Ian] Your turn.
- [Chucky charges at Nica while yelling]
- Nica: [Nica lifts up her paralyzed knees as Chucky swings the axe at her; he slashes her legs but she can't feel the blow. He looks up at Nica, stunned; Nica rips the duct tape off her mouth] My turn.
- [Nica hits Chucky to the floor; she pulls the axe out of her flesh and decapitates Chucky with the axe]
- Nica: Barb, put him down!
- [pause]
- Nica: Look, I know that this sounds nuts, but that doll- I think that there's something in it!
- Barb: [Barb is standing on the upstairs balcony holding the Chucky doll] Wait a second!
- [pause]
- Barb: You know about this?
- [referring to Chucky]
- Nica: Well... I think I do...
- Barb: You know what's in this?
- Nica: [stunned] Do you?
- Barb: Why didn't you tell me?
- Nica: I'm trying to tell you...
- Barb: Wait, wait! When did you find out?
- Nica: [frantic] What does it matter?
- Barb: It matters to me!
- [pause]
- Barb: It matters to me that my own sister is out to get me!
- Nica: No! No, no, no, you don't understand! This...
- Barb: Oh, I understand perfectly. I understand you resent the fact that I actually have a life!
- Nica: No, Barb, this isn't about anything that...
- Barb: Well, you know what, Nica? It isn't my fault. Okay? What happened to you isn't my fault!
- [pause]
- Barb: And it isn't my fault that you dropped out of school, and it isn't my fault that you chose to never leave this goddamned house! I mean, what the hell were you waiting for, a sign from God?
- Nica: No, Barb! Just put the fucking doll down!
- Nica: Barb?
- [pause]
- Nica: Barb!
- [Barb approaches from the top stairs balcony holding Chucky]
- Nica: Barb, where's Alice?
- Barb: Playing fucking hide-and-seek.
- Nica: [from the bottom of the stairs] Barb, put him down!
- Barb: What is wrong with you?
- Nica: [hysterical] I know this sounds nuts but that doll- I think there's something in it!
- Chucky: [Sarah had apparently grassed Charles to the cops after Charles sees them arrive at his lair] Why? Why would you want to destroy this family?
- Sarah: You destroyed my family!
- [spits at him]
- Chucky: No. I told you. I always had a thing for families. Especially kids.
- [Chucky stabs Sarah's womb]
- Nica: [Realizing why she's paralyzed] You did this to me?
- Chucky: No, Nica. YOU did this to me. You and your mommy.
- [Flashback to the toy store scene from the original film]
- Chucky: She betrayed me. Got me killed. But I knew a way to come back. Took me 25 years. But believe me, it was worth the wait.
- [first lines]
- Sarah: [doorbell rings; Nica sits occupied on her laptop, surfing travel websites] Nica?
- [doorbell keeps ringing]
- Sarah: Nica, there's somebody at the door.
- Nica: I'm busy!
- Sarah: Nica, please!
- Nica: [annoyed] God.
- [Nica wheels herself away from her laptop and goes to answer the door]
- Sarah: What are you doing that's so important?
- Nica: I was playing solitaire...
- Sarah: The computer cheats, you know.
- Nica: Yeah, well, I'm used to that.
- Nica: [after flirting with the delivery guy at the door] Was that guy hitting on me?
- Sarah: Baby, you're beautiful...
- Nica: [smiles] Thank you, but I... I think that guy was hitting on me. Maybe I should go ask him out.
- Sarah: Nica, he was just being nice!
- [Nica glares]
- Sarah: I'm sorry. Oh, honey, I just don't ever want to see you get hurt.
- Nica: [Sarah observes her package] I thought you swore off the Home Shopping Network.
- Sarah: I haven't bought anything in three weeks.
- Nica: Maybe you have a secret admirer.
- Sarah: You sound threatened.
- Nica: No. Not at all...
- [pause]
- Nica: I just wouldn't want to see you get hurt.
- Barb: Mom left the house to both of us.
- Nica: So?
- Barb: So...
- [pause]
- Barb: I think we should consider selling.
- Nica: [astonished] What are you talking about?
- Barb: Nica, this place is fabulous. It's so much closer to us, we'd get to see you way more often. And with your half of what we could get for the house, you'd be set for the rest of your life.
- Nica: This isn't about me. This is about money...
- Barb: Well, you know we've been struggling. Print media is dead. lan's working at Starbucks! We're going to have to send Alice to public school. And she so had her heart set on St. Bridget's. I don't want to deprive my child...
- Nica: You have a live-in nanny!
- Barb: Well, actually, that's not really working out.
- Nica: Barb, this is my home!
- Barb: Nica, I know this is hard! But do you really think you can manage here all by yourself? Mom would have wanted you to be taken care of. That's all she ever wanted...
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