"Rochelle" by Biggie Jackson is ultimately much more than about culinary competition - encompasses the ironies two people working on the same goal with different drives,and motivations. Ultimately, behind the intense scenario of two chefs friends vying for too spot , lies a huge reflection about the two friends humans experience.
The films masterful shows this tough reality that often hits home for most people trying to accomplish their goals: sometimes having huge commitment, passionate, or driven may just not necessarily determine if you going to get chosen to complete task. It highlights the tougher journey for those with a higher calling .
Jackson s story telling presents complex narrative that may resonate to most people as they work on achieving their own success. He duelves the story line into this complex narrative that will encourage to question the very necessity of even trying to achieve something. It sparks introspection from the viewers and would even give you moments of suspense. I loved it. It keep me thinking. It's definitely also very spiritual and important to watch.