Charlie Covell credited as playing...
- Trish: [Whilst among a group of Dobby's friends playing a music quiz in which one person gives vague descriptions of bands/solo artists without using their actual name and the other person must guess the name of the band/solo artist in each description. The person describing the band/solo artist must also not use the actual names of any other bands/solo artists in their description] Right, Jez and Hans... go!
- Super Hans: Er, widely regarded to have nicked our sound?
- Jeremy Usborne: The Chemical Brothers.
- Super Hans: Correct. Eh, bullshitters turning wank into cash?
- Jeremy Usborne: Flaming Lips?
- Super Hans: Correct. Oh, arsehole?
- Jeremy Usborne: LCD Soundsystem.
- Super Hans: Fakers?
- Jeremy Usborne: Pavement.
- Super Hans: Yep. Uh, oh, we thought we had her number and you got a bit overexcited, but uh, it turned out to be a not very funny joke?
- Jeremy Usborne: Lily Allen.
- Super Hans: Correct.
- [someone laughs off screen]
- Super Hans: Phoneys?
- Jeremy Usborne: Foo Fighters.
- Super Hans: Yeah. Uh, oh, demanded the Ramsgate blowjob?
- Jeremy Usborne: Mumford & Sons?
- Super Hans: Mmm.
- Trish: That's your lot!
- Super Hans: Oh.
- Jeremy Usborne: [voiceover] I'm so good at this, but I bet not one person here is gonna give me a blowjob.
- [shakes his head in disappointment]