197 of 273 found this to have none
A character has a dream about not having pants on in class, nothing is shown.
At the beginning there is a scene of Riley as a child taking a bath her nipples are shown for only a split second. It can be easily missed.
There was a kiss between the parents but it was fast.
Baby Riley's naked butt is seen.
128 of 220 found this to have none
Anger ends up punching and choking Fear.
Anger ends up shoving Fear & Disgust (twice).
In the dream-making studio in Riley's mind, a dog's body is ripped off in a half, the upper half of it tries to chase it's tail
Anger stretched Fear's nose, but it's played for laughs.
Joy and sadness fight over a core memory ball.
Fear tries to plug in hockey-related memories where the core memories go, and when he tries to hold them in the holder spits them out, pinning Fear to a window. Two memories hit him in the eyes.
Fear is often on the receiving end of cartoon violence, often from Anger.
165 of 213 found this to have none
Anger talks about wanting Riley to use cuss words when fired up, there's even a joke at the end that Anger cussed but Fear unintentionally bleeped him with a button before he could say the actual word.
Curse words were mentioned but actually never said.
Few uses of "moron" scattered throughout the movie.
Disgust and Anger can act cheeky and sassy at times.
A running gag where Anger mentions about blurting out curse words. But it is never used.
190 of 197 found this to have none
133 of 241 found this mild
A zombified rat is in Riley's dream.
Anger's head sometimes shoots up fire.
The islands of personality crumble as the core memories are removed.
None/Mild for neurodivergent viewers.
Near the beginning of the film when Joy and Sadness get sucked out of Headquarters, they are shown flying through a pipe towards Long-Term Memory. There are large flashes of light that almost fill the screen for about 5-10 seconds, which may affect eplieptic viewers.
Riley has a tantrum and argues with her parents at the dinner table. Can be awkward for some viewers.
Several very emotionally intense scenes and mild jeopardy (e.g. Risk of harm to main characters depicted and young child shown making a dangerous choice which puts her in danger) - music, sound and editing emphasise these risks even of child is too young to understand it in full.
A giant clown is featured as one of Riley's greatest fears.
A dog is briefly seen apparently cut by half during a nightmare sequence; the head end then chases the tail end.