In the Act III, Kayley decided to go alone by train from Sulphur Springs. It was morning when she went to the train station and she was almost late.
In the next scene, Brett calls her to check if she missed the train. He was with his family, they were standing in the park but suddenly it was evening.
Kayley run out from the house in the morning in Sulphur Springs in the Act I. Brett and Eli were shoveling snow around parked cars. Eli said they can't go and drive a car because there is so much snow and that street snow clearing machine can't reach them.
However, street behind them was snow cleared. Snow level on the side was barely few inches / cm. And it is obviously that car and truck were artificially stuck in snow. Furthermore, it was clear and sunny sky. And later when they went to the city, there was barely any snow.
Brett and Kayley arrive by a car at Eli's home at the beginning of the movie. It was heavy snowing. However wide camera shot of Eli's house shows clear and sunny sky i.e. it was clearly used faux snow pushed from a snow machine.
If the roads are shut down because of the snow, Eli couldn't have gone to the doctor.
Aerial views of the town show no snow.