- John Stello: The old man don't know what he is doing. He sends you out to die. You can't make it over Chatham bar on a day like this. You can't stay afloat with half a ship neither.
- Bernie Webber: Well, Mr. Stello, in the Coast Guard to say you gotta go out. But they don't say you gotta come back in. That's regulation, you know.
- Title Card: What Bernie Webber, Richard Livesey, Andy Fitzgerald and Ervin Maske accomplished on the night of February 18, 1952 is still considered the greatest small boat rescue in Coast Guard history. Bernie and Miriam were married on the date she planned. And they remained married for 58 years until Bernie's death in 2009 at the age 81. All four Coast Guardsmen were awarded the Gold Lifesaving Medal for their heroic actions.
- Richard Livesey: Maybe we take these guys in and come back out.
- Bernie Webber: We can't leave 'em out here alone. That boat won't last. We all live, or we all die.
- Miriam Webber: I'm not afraid of the water, Bernie. It scares me at night that's all. You know. You can't see what's underneath.
- Bernie Webber: Just more water.
- [last lines]
- Bernie Webber: Are we still on for April 16?
- Miriam Webber: Yeah. I asked Cluff for you. He said it was just...
- Bernie Webber: ...just a formality. Now I know, right?
- [both chuckle]
- Bea Hansen: [discouraging worried Miriam from listening in on the marine radio] Does no good listening to all that chatter, Miriam. Better learning to live not knowing.