- El Capitan: [Brandishing a wine bottle and a chair] Give me the ship, niños!
- Nostalgia Critic: [imitating El Capitan] Or I will lion tame you with a bottle of purple drank!
- Scrooge McDuck: Until further notice, you are grrrrounded!
- Nostalgia Critic: Okay, I'll take them being grrrrounded as long as there's no...
- [as Cornelius from Once Upon a Forest]
- Nostalgia Critic: Rrrrrheumatism!
- Nostalgia Critic: But what's even stranger than that is the person they're stealing it for: a character named El Capitán, who I can only describe as McGruff the Crime Dog if he was a Mexican flasher.
- Nostalgia Critic: So in Episode 1, 'Don't Give Up the Ship', we start off the celebration of American greed with the money bin of Scrooge McDuck, voiced by Wilbur himself, Alan Young. And I can only assume that he made all this money by betting on Mr. Ed in the horse races and turning him into glue.