Director: Joel Gilbert Bob Dylan Revealed, by title alone, boldly proclaims itself as a rare beast, one of the few among the countless Dylan studies that actually says something new and insightful about the man. Before I get into any details, let me just say this this documentary not only doesn't reveal Bob Dylan, who doesn't even make an appearance other than in archival photos and footage, the man's music isn't even anywhere to be heard. Instead you get to hear the music of Dylan cover band Highway 61 Revisited (which features none other than director Joel Gilbert!). That information alone should let you know that this is anything but the "intimate biography" that it advertises itself to be. The film is composed of extensive and often underedited interviews with a number of generally minor players in the extensive Dylan aggregation. I'm not trying to knock them but I don't think...
- 19/05/2011
- par Linc Leifeste
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