9 de 23 acharam que isso é moderada
Some suggestive sexual content and innuendo.
There is some female nudity. Breasts and bottoms.
Some long and somewhat strong scenes of sex as the series continues.
4 de 11 acharam que isso é moderada
The violence is pretty strong and prolonged but the bloody/graphic nature of it is not as bad.
While you see lots of kicks and punches, throws and killing, there is very little blood apart from the odd occasion.
3 de 10 acharam que isso é moderada
very strong language - A lot of f-words per episode. Some milder profanity such as shit is also used but not repetitive.
4 de 9 acharam que isso é leve
Some scenes of alcohol consumption after a long day and champagne in hotel rooms
5 de 10 acharam que isso é moderada
Fighting scenes are somewhat very intense and strong which might disturb younger viewers.