20 of 40 found this mild
In the beginning of the movie the main character wears a thin top revealing her breasts. Same woman shows side of breasts soon afterwards. Both scenes briefly show her nipples
fully nude woman from side
20 of 25 found this severe
Definitely the most violent and dark of the series.
Level of violence:9.5/10.
R violence type: blood and graphic.
Several scenes feature large crowds of infected people (zombies) with disfigured and slimy faces, decaying flesh hanging from their bodies and teeth and eyes missing; open mouths release four talon-tipped tentacles that grab victims and pull them off screen; in one scene, the zombies are Russian soldiers firing handguns, automatic rifles, rocket launchers and machine guns on tanks; growling zombies chase humans and eat them, bloodying several heads, arms and legs amid screaming; and zombies growl and chase humans without capture and their mouths gush red blood, tentacles, claws and slime.
An extended fight scene is shown in reverse and slow motion and then forward at regular speed: Many large planes arrive at a barge and release special forces teams down long cables and they fire guns at a crew of men on the barge (we see bullets pass through them with a lot of blood spatter); two women each fire automatic guns at the special forces men and throw knives and slash men with swords amid splattering blood.
A team is killed by gunfire from one woman and later several other men die from a man's gunfire (we see no blood, but bodies fall).
An extended fight scene includes a woman dressed in a black cat suit, using guns and knives against an onslaught of zombies: she fights with multiple kicks, flying techniques, strikes, shooting people point-blank in the head and face (with a lot of blood), breaking necks and slamming zombies to the floor.
Several members of a strike team die at the hands of thugs and we see blood from gunshot wounds; one man suffers a seriously slashed face with open flesh showing, but he gets up three times, smokes a cigar, says he is having a good time and continues to shoot zombies and thugs before he dies.
A woman fights another woman and holds a knife to her throat, she throws the knife seemingly into the audience and a different camera angle shows it breaking a large TV monitor and the two women fight monsters together outside: the first two monsters are giant men whose heads are stuck with many rusty nails and they wield bloody axes and chop apart buses and cars until the two women blow them up by shooting into the gasoline discharged from a wrecked taxi; the third monster is a slimy, bumpy biped giant with an exposed brain and no matter how many times the women shoot it, it comes after them again in many scenes, smashing vehicles and buildings.
A strike team arrives at a corporation's headquarters where they set explosives allowing them to save a woman; they take an elevator and find special forces, zombies and spies to fight in several places and there is a lot of blood shed from automatic gunfire, explosives and zombies chewing on people's arms and sides while the strike team fights its way to the inner compound.
15 of 17 found this mild
No f words (which is surprising for and R rated zombie movie, but not for a Resident Evil movie as there isn't much language or swearing anyways). 5 uses of shit and other milder profanities.
Three scatological terms, two anatomical terms, six mild obscenities and two religious exclamations.
Stereotypical references to corporate leaders, political powers, USA, Russia, China, Japan, freedom fighters, zombies, end of the world, evil scientists, men, women, children and the deaf.
14 of 18 found this mild
Several people receive injections in the neck and convulse with pain.
A man lights and smokes a cigar while he fights zombies and thugs and finally dies with a last smoky breath (please see the Violence/Gore category for more details).
An ad for Budweiser can be seen on a billboard.
13 of 23 found this moderate
Note: Watching the movie in 3-D increases the intensity of the viewing experience.
There are a few scary and/or jump-shock moments as well.
A giant monster goes on the rampage, kidnapping a little girl.
Zombies have scary mutated tentacles shooting out of their mouths.