After saying goodbye to his family, James Busbee breaks the handle of his suitcase, in the next scene while getting up the suitcase handle is still intact.
When Pepper offers Hashimoto the soda pop, while the bottle is on the ground between them, Pepper's bicycle alternately appears and disappears next to him depending on the camera angle.
When the mother is on the front porch reading the paper, the headline states that the Allied Leaders were meeting in "Postdam." The city hosting the meeting was "Potsdam."
The Army bus that takes James Busbee away to boot camp is a Crown Coach Co. bus built in the mid 1970s.
When the older son cannot enlist do to being classified 4F, somehow the father has to take his place in the Army. There was no such policy in place. Besides that, the father would be in his 40s - far beyond enlistment age.
Hashimoto wouldn't have been there in a coastal town in California during WW2. Per Roosevelt's infamous Executive Order 9066, all Japanese Persons (Legal Aliens and American citizens alike) would have been rounded up and put into the various Internment camps by the Spring of 1942. No Japanese person would have been allowed to live there, especially in a California coastal town, because of that Federal action. Even persons with as little as 1/16th Japanese blood were considered 'the enemy' regardless of status or lineage.
The fictional O'Hare California is located somewhere along its northern coast. However, the weather throughout is nothing like northern CA , as it's consistently bright, cloudless sunshine. Reflecting the shooting sites in Baja California.