Salli Saffioti credited as playing...
Ingrid Hunnigan
- Ingrid Hunnigan: Listen to me carefully, Leon. Your mission has been aborted. The U.S. is going to pull out of the country.
- Leon S. Kennedy: What? I just got here. After taking me off furlough and sending me to this godforsaken place? What the hell?
- Ingrid Hunnigan: Washington and the government there have decided to go their separate ways. Everyone has to leave, not just embassy staff. All American citizens have been to evacuate the country.
- Leon S. Kennedy: I don't give a damn about the politics. We've got confirmation that B.O.W.'s are being used in this war. If we don't stop them now, the same shit will happen everywhere else. Do you really want to see that?
- Ingrid Hunnigan: This is a war and things are different. No one can do anything without backup from the American government. Not even you.
- Leon S. Kennedy: Well, then I guess my only option is to lose my American citizenship for a while.
- Ingrid Hunnigan: Leon!
- [switches off comm]
- Leon S. Kennedy: She can tell them I got lost and missed my flight.