Avalon High (2010 TV Movie)
Joey Pollari: Miles
Miles : When I'm at Yale and you're in jail, I'll be sure to tell everyone how cool you are.
Allie Pennington : Any chance you're getting a vision on how it goes?
Miles : Am I doubled over clutching my head in excruciating pain?
Allie Pennington : No.
Miles : Well, there you go.
Miles : Who said I wanted to be your friend?
Allie Pennington : You.
Miles : No, I didn't.
Allie Pennington : Why are you still talking to me?
Miles : But I'm not.
Allie Pennington : Ah, but by saying you're not talking to me, you ARE talking to me. Check and mate.
Allie's Father : [reading] "As the keepers of the prophecy, it falls to members of the Order to search for potential Arthurs in each and every generation, but beware the Dark Forces, led by a reincarnation of Mordred, determined to find the next Arthur and destroy him before he can realize the prophecy." So, see, what they're saying...
Allie's Mother : If Arthur isn't found soon, Mordred and his followers will send us back into the Dark Ages - ignorance, humiliation, suffering...
Miles : [brightly] High school!
Miles : Tell me again why I'm at a party with a bunch of meathead jocks?
Allie Pennington : I'm a jock, Miles. Am I a meathead?
Miles : No, but this party's the first step.
Miles : I always do my assignments in half the time alloted.
Allie Pennington : Why?
Miles : To prove that I'm better than everyone else?
Allie Pennington : [laughs] And more modest.
Miles : That, too.
Allie Pennington : THAT was sarcasm.
Miles : How's it sarcasm if you're right?
Allie Pennington : We have to tell Will so he can defend himself.
Miles : Oh, yeah, that'll be great. "Hey, Will, you're the reincarnation of King Arthur, your step-brother is Mordred, and he's going to try and destroy you. You gonna eat those fries?"
Allie Pennington : Hmm. Yeah, it's a little out there, isn't it?
Miles : Yeah, we passed "out there" about five exits back.
Miles : Socializing makes me dizzy.
Miles : I don't know how things were at your last school, but around here you can't get any higher than an A, so you can stop trying so hard.
Allie Pennington : It's called being nice, Miles. You should try it instead of hiding your insecurities behind your snark.
Miles : Just tie your shoes, okay? What am I, your mother?
Allie Pennington : You know, if Will is King Arthur, and Marco is Mordred, maybe you're Merlin the wizard. Merlin was a psychic.
Miles : Doubtful. Merlin had a long white beard; I can barely grow a nose hair.
Allie Pennington : We just came in to get some fake armor for the school mascot, Officer.
Will Wagner : Yeah. I have no idea what Mr. Moore is talking about.
Miles : And I'm a National Merit Scholar. I don't kidnap teachers - I suck up to them.
Miles : Avert your eyes.
Allie Pennington : Excuse me?
Miles : You're making a tactical error of monumental proportions right now.
Allie Pennington : By sitting at my desk?
Miles : By talking to me. I mean, come on, you had a great start. I saw you talking to Captain Everything this morning. You have a chance to be in the poplar group. Don't mess it up.
Miles : [incanting his first spell] To the owner of the staff, return; the evil hand that holds it, burn.
Miles : Whoa. Being Merlin rules!
Miles : I wonder what they ate in Camalot.
Allie Pennington : Muton with a side of beets. Mm, and sage water, but only from the north.
Allie Pennington : [having just heard herself] I didn't even know I KNEW that!
Miles : Why should I care if I'm rejected by a vampire?
Miles : You need help.
Allie Pennington : How do you know I need help?
Miles : I just know, okay? Isn't that enough?