When I first saw the poster for this film, I thought it won't be a good one. I was positively surprised to experience a special atmosphere! The film's almost 2 hours long, but believe me, I didn't feel that it was that long because the artists played their role astonishingly well made me feel like I was part of the family and the film had interesting, exciting events and outcomes. A family with their teenager son lives on a farm somewhere in Canada. They are working from dawn to dusk and still facing bankruptcy. A tragedy will dramatically change their lives... When you think this will be another event-less film, the drama strikes and you the viewer feel profoundly sorry for what had happened and maybe you'd think you'd react better if it would had happened to you. It's not a mourning film, so don't be afraid that the director will endlessly reflect on the main causes of life :). The son is another amazing performance! I felt sorry for his condition but in the end I think there's no man an earth right now who doesn't have a Cross to bear! I don't usually watch films from overseas. I don't like Northern American films but Canadian films haven't let me down that often... so far :)