Logan Lerman credited as playing...
- D'Artagnan: Enjoying the show?
- Constance: Are you always this cocky?
- D'Artagnan: Only on Tuesdays... and whenever beautiful women are involved.
- Constance: So, you think I'm beautiful?
- D'Artagnan: Actually, it's Tuesday.
- Richelieu: Well-played. I could use men like you.
- [Richelieu holds out his hand; Aramis takes it to kiss it, then stops]
- Aramis: Ehh... I already have a job.
- Athos: I'm a drunk.
- Porthos: I'm independently wealthy.
- D'Artagnan: Thanks, but no.
- Richelieu: The day will come when you'll wish you had said "yes".
- D'Artagnan: Maybe. But not today.
- D'Artagnan: [after getting a ticket] What is this?
- Aramis: It's a citation. It's a ticket.
- [pause]
- Aramis: Failure to remove animal bowel movements from public area.
- D'Artagnan: French.
- Aramis: Your horse took a dump on the street.
- D'Artagnan: You're joking.
- Aramis: That's what they all say.
- D'Artagnan: What? Do you think you have the monopoly on loss? What if she dies? The life of one woman or the future of France? What would you do if you were in my position?
- Athos: I've made a lot of sacrifices. Made a lot of hard choices. For honor, for King, for country. Do you know what I 've learned, boy? Hard choices and sacrifices do not keep you warm at night. And life is too damn short and too damn long to go through without someone at your side. Don't end up like me. Choose the woman. Fight for love, D'Artagnan. France will take care of itself.
- D'Artagnan's Father: There's one more piece of advice.
- D'Artagnan: I know, I know. Don't get into any trouble.
- D'Artagnan's Father: Wrong. Get into trouble. Make mistakes. Fight, love, live. And remember, always, you're a Gascon and our son. Now go. Go.