I like Tom Allen, Jess is alright but I feel tries way to hard and Munya is clearly charismatic and talented but his arrogance is off putting. I enjoy the series as mindless daft fun, it's not clever or really important tv, just a laugh.
However episode 4 annoyed me, I'm big on equality but also a realist, I believe whoever is best for a job/role should get it, whether it's a woman managing men's football or a black presenter of a traditionally white perceived show, I just want to spend my time watching or seeing or experiencing the best versions of things. I do object to everyone claiming those who reject diversity as it's presented now are "racist" it's idiotic comments like that which cause more hate. I think stuff is done for the wrong reasons, it's blatantly obvious in some sections of entertainment. Making superman bisexual ... it's always changing established stuff to cause issues instead of creating new fresh people for everyone to love.
What I think makes it more laughable is these guys fighting for tv time aren't helping countries with real race issues that impact basic rights, they fight for the shallow narcissistic improvements but ignore others plights, hypocrites. I for one want to see the entitled and influencing helping those without basic human rights before fighting for another role presenting a Dave show. Equality means EVERYONE, not just the entertainment industry.
Upon finishing the show, I'd say series two needs a lot of work, I'd not bring munya back unless he can add something outside of constant race jokes or pointing out his heritage, one of the worst "tv personalities " I've seen.